Wednesday 11 November 2015

... Of The Week: 11th - 18th November 2015

Film of the Week:

Inside out:

This film proves that Pixar isn’t going anywhere soon. It’s staying right with us for many years to come. Yet another smash hit for the entire family to enjoy, and will make everyone cry their eyes out as well.

I have been a fan of Pixar since I was a child, and so I know their ways around a perfectly animated film with a heart-warming storyline throughout. From the moment I saw the teaser trailer, showing off the original concept that this film has to offer, I was instantly attached, and I was not disappointed when I finally got the chance to sit down and watch it.

The film focuses on the main character, Riley, who is suddenly given the task of adapting to her new home, location and school, where no one knows her there. This, as you can imagine, can mess with the emotions a little bit, and this film presents just that. Her feelings: Joy, Disgust, Anger and Sadness, must figure out what is going on and they do exactly that, but not after going on an adventure of a lifetime that teaches them some very important life lessons that we all must learn at some point or another.

I don’t want to give too much away as this film is best when fresh, in fact, I don’t want to give anything away. This film is too good to be spoiled. If you haven’t seen it, I would recommend doing just that before any spoilers start creeping your way. If you have already seen the film, then go and watch it again, it’s awesome.

You can find the link to the IMDB page here:

TV episode of the Week:

F.R.I.E.N.D.S: Series 3, Episode 7: The One with the Race car Bed.

Friends is that show that everyone has seen at some point or another, whether it is every single episode from beginning to end multiple times, or just an episode every now and again, this show never fails to deliver on the laughs throughout its ten year run. As well as relatable and loveable characters, it was not surprising that this became an instant classic around the world practically overnight.

As much as I would like to put the entire ten-year run in this section, there is one particular episode that stands out for me, and that’s the one with the race car bed. The reason I chose this is that, in my opinion, it has one of the best line of dialogue I’ve ever heard in it.

The line is said in the scene when Rachel’s father comes to the flat to spend time with his daughter and to give Ross a second chance to impress him, and he is not an easy man to impress, and if he doesn’t like you, he’ll find fault in anything. Rachel’s father is expression his views towards Rachel going to see a chiropractor as she believes her left leg is two inches shorter than the other, which is immediately dismissed as her leaning. You can already see the bond between Ross and Rachel’s father brewing as they finally agree on something. This continues when Ross brings up the fact that Rachel does not have renters insurance, a statement that, as you can imagine, is disliked by her father. This is when the line comes in and finally pulls Ross and Rachel’s father together, becoming people who they can get along with each other.

He says, ‘Well what if somebody steals something? How are you gonna run after him with one leg shorter than the other’ The second part of that quote is what I find the funniest and best part as it is so spontaneous that it shocks you into laughing for just how improvised it sounded. All in all, it is generally a good question. But for me there’s depth, telling me that a group of people sat down around a table, discussing how best to play out that scene and bring to characters together by the end of it, and then someone comes up with that line and it’s unanimously accepted. Now, obviously that didn’t happen, for all I know it was written in about five seconds just for the laughs and nothing else. Now, I know that some of you has seen this episode many times and think that I’m just over-thinking it, diving into between the lines that aren’t really there, but it does go to show just how great the writing is that it can make you think further, make you have an unique experience, and that is why I like Friends.

You can find the link to the IMDB page here:

Game of the Week:

Would You Push the Button?:

Before I begin explaining the aforementioned game, I would like to say that I couldn’t pick between two games. The first one is Anxiety Attacks, and the other is Would You Push the Button?. As strange as it may seem, I think Anxiety Attacks is a better experience to be had. Why am I choosing the above game instead of that one? Well, I get to that in the next and final section of this article.

Would You Push the Button? poses hypothetical questions that gives you a choice, whether to push the button to activate said hypothetical situation, or to discard it completely and move onto the next one. On the left hand side, a description of some magical power, or some situation that is just too hard to miss, even offering you complete control of the Universe itself, that can be gifted to you the moment you push the button. However, as you might have already sensed, there is a gigantic but coming your way. On the right hand side, is the side-effects of said situation. For example, you can be a Pokemon Trainer, but you won’t be able to evolve any Pokemon. And many, many more.

This is a great game to start you thinking, and equally as good at creating well-thought out discussions and debates among your friends, for I can guarantee that you will have split opinions on either all or most of the questions with the occasional agreement every now and again. It’s a light-hearted experience that will get rid of a few hours if you find yourself stuck between tasks.

You can find the link to the game here:

Video of the Week:

WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK: Anxiety Attacks – Jacksepticeye.

This game is something else entirely. This game is so powerful at given across its message, that it comes with a warning at the beginning. Anxiety Attacks is a game that is designed to give people the experience of what it feels to have an anxiety attack, make you aware of the incredible effect it can have on the mind. I in no way, by putting the game in this article, indicating any disrespect towards anyone who is unfortunate enough to suffer from anxiety attacks, I feel like it needs to be brought to people’s attention, letting you know that there are people who understand exactly what is going through your mind because of this game, making them aware and therefore enabling them to help better.

Jacksepticeye, in my opinion is one of the best Youtubers, for he makes you feel welcome every time you click on his videos. His enthusiasm, happiness, and connectivity with his viewers that keep him at ground level, making us laugh after a hard day’s work, making us smile after a difficult time. He loves nothing better than to make at least someone somewhere, happy for half an hour.
When you combine that game and him together, it brought a tear to my eye. He played through the game, feeling the extraordinary effects it has to offer, then delivers an incredible speech that points out that he is always there for me, for you, even if he’s on in the background whilst people are going about their business around the house. If you don’t want to watch the video because of the game, which is understandable as it may not be your thing, at least watch it for the closing speech. He puts everything he believes into his words, and he gave me the necessary motivation to carry on believing that what I am doing is good and not a waste of time, and I hope it does the same for you, too.

I cannot say enough how good this video and he is, and that’s why I chose to put Anxiety Attacks in this category instead of the one above.

You can find the links to the game and the video here:



Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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