Thursday 26 November 2015

The Watch - Part 29

‘This house is amazing,’ I said to myself as I explored the place. Everything was robotic. I smacked my head on the inside of the fridge when it spoke to me as I was looking to see what food we had in the house.

B.O.B was brilliant with conversing with me. It felt weird just talking to, what appeared to be thin air, but the more I talked to him the quicker it started to feel natural. About ninety percent of my half of the conversation were questions as I asked about what this world was like. B.O.B had the entire Internet stored on his massive hard drives, so he was able to give me facts at an incredible speed. He explained to me that the first robot was built in the year 2019 – which does also prove how far this world is technological wise. B.O.B also told me that the moment the first robot was revealed, the robot industry boomed at an incredible rate, and in a matter of 10 years, it had grown at an incredible rate – now every house wanted and got a robot that would help around the house by doing the laundry and cooking for the kids whilst the parents were still at work or stuck in traffic. 

He then moved on to detailing how the army has built themselves their own version of robots, which would go behind enemy lines and win the battle for the humans whilst they are at their base, without the risk of losing any of their men. However, as the robots quickly spread across the world, other countries were able to get their own fighting robot, and soon the tables levelled out once again and war was back to its normal-self, except robots were now the victims. That went a direction I was not expecting, if I’m honest.

As he was talking, I drank glass after glass of apple juice. It was incredible to hear everything that this world has to offer.

After everything that I wanted to know was explained to me in great detail, B.O.B informed me that an event will be taking place tonight at 3 O'clock this afternoon, which is a demonstration showing off this country’s new fighting robot, which was much more advanced that the last one.

‘Before, robots were going into battle alone, armed with only their weapons and the knowledge that they will slowly learn over time, and that can be the difference between winning and losing,’ B.O.B explained, relaying what the advertising poster said. ‘But now, this new robot will be able to learn twice as fast, and with twice the amount of fire power, speed and agility, there won’t be anything that can stand in its way.’

‘Sounds like something I should go to,’ I said enthusiastically. ‘I’m not bothered about how advanced it really is, I’m just intrigued about seeing a robot demonstration with my own eyes. You know, being from another Universe and all,’ I felt I had to add that last part in for some reason.

‘Would you like me to book you a ticket?’ B.O.B asked.

‘Yes please,’ I answered without hesitation.

‘There are four seats remaining,’ he explained, ‘I have booked you the closest seat I can get to the stage.’

‘That sounds like it's going to be exciting, so I’m not surprised that it is almost sold out,’ I said knowing with just how difficult it really is to book tickets to something very popular. I remember trying to book two tickets to a concert for my mum and dad’s wedding anniversary to see their favourite band, After Forever. They understood that I wanted to do something really special to celebrate a big thing, so they didn’t mind sitting in different seats, one in front of the other. They enjoyed every second of it, so that was a victory on my behalf.

‘The time is now eleven in the morning, so you have four hours to go before the event starts. The doors may be a little busy, so I would recommend hanging back until most of it dies down a bit so that you aren’t pushed about,’ B.O.B explained.

‘That makes sense,’ I said.

‘How long will it take to get there?’ I asked.

‘It is only an hour down the road,’ B.O.B answered.

‘Will there be merchandise?'

'There will be,’ B.O.B confirmed, ‘but, from past events, it seems that their merchandise changes depending on the event and places they go to, but their T-shirts are consistent throughout.’

‘I need money,’ I said only now realising that I don’t have any in this world.

‘You can go down the bank and draw out the amount you require,’ B.O.B said.

‘Sweet,’ I stood up before realising something else. ‘I don’t have a bank card so how do I draw out the money?’

‘You can pick that up at the bank. All you have to do is give your name and they will hand over your card.’

‘Sounds too easy,’ I was a little skeptic.

‘I don’t understand,’ B.O.B said.

‘Never mind,’ I said just accepting it and moving on. I am in a new and different world, I’m going to have to expect these things if I’m to actually get stuff done. ‘Where’s the bank?’ I asked.

‘It is located here,’ he said bringing up a map on the screen on the front door. I was a little surprised about why there was a screen there in the first place, but then figured that it was designed for people to check where they need to go to get to places - such as I'm doing now. I can imagine how people would consider this a useless invention before realising just how useful it really is. I can look up directions to where I want to go, as I am about to go out, so that it's fresh in my mind. The location of the bank was in the same place as in my Universe, so that was easy enough to find.

‘Right,’ I opened the door, ‘I’ll see you in a bit.'


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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