Wednesday 9 December 2015

… Of the Week: 8th – 16th December 2015

Film of the Week

In Time

This film focuses on one message and one message only: You can do a lot in one day. In a dystopian future, people stop aging at 25. A timer on their forearm starts counting down the seconds from one year to the day they die. If you accumulate so many years, you can potentially live for hundreds of years. It’s a way of giving people immortality, but dealing with overpopulation as well. Two people, Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) and Sylvia Weis (Amanda Seyfried) team up together and finds a way to against the system and give as many people, if not the entire world, a way of living the years they deserve.

The message entwined throughout establishes itself in my top three films of all time, followed by Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel and Yes Man. At some point in our lives, we will or already have or are complaining about there simply not being enough time in the day to do everything that you want to get done; and that can be rather daunting and stressful and through that stress, it starts snowballing: You can’t focus properly and therefore start slowing down to the point where you are simply not getting at least one thing done, but this is the most extreme case scenario. What I’m trying to explain is how if you just sit down and lose yourself in your tasks, your work, or any other activities and not worry about how much time is passing or what you’ve got left to do, you’ll be surprised what you can get done in the course of a single day, a single week and so forth. For me, once I’ve completed all of my writing, it’s a satisfying feeling. I don’t have to worry about not having to catch up the next day, instead I can just get on with things tomorrow. I may be going around in circles with my words here, but I think you get the point.

As well as the message being powerful, the film itself is a unique experience. There have been so many dystopian films before it and will be so many more in the future, but none of them comes close to how imaginative this concept is, especially when the details about work and ordinary home life has been detailed out to incorporate the plot.

The way the film builds up the tension is a great way of moving the story along. You won’t know whether anyone will be able to make it any further when the characters literally have seconds remaining. It also shows just how far people will go just to get an extra second or two, and you can’t help but wanting them to get the time they deserve so they can live their life how they want to, without having to worry about how much time they have left.

I highly recommend this film and if you do watch it, or have already watched it, then you too will be able to see how they couldn’t have stuck any closer to the message it successfully passes along.

You can find the link to the IMDB page here:

TV Episode of the Week

The Flash/Arrow Crossover

This week, instead of one episode being in the spotlight, there’s going to be two, and before you say that is bending/breaking the rules, that isn’t strictly true since I never actually said that I was going to limit myself to only one episode per week, only recommend them.

The Flash and Arrow are two superhero programs from their respective comic books, The Flash and Green Arrow. Since their inception, they have gained monumental success and fans, earning the right to be classified as those TV shows that have managed to pull back TV from its Reality TV phrase – A phrase that we dare not talk about just in case it claws its way back up from the depths below.

Anyway, back to the Flash/Arrow crossover. Last year, their crossover proved to be one of their best episodes of their respective series, and this year, even though their seasons aren’t over yet, I can see being no different. However, there was an added bonus rather than just being a crossover. This was also a pilot for a show, which is scheduled to be released early next year, Legends of Tomorrow, by introducing two new characters, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, who were extraordinary, if I do say so myself.

Let’s start with the first episode that aired of the two, The Flash. It starts off like any other episode, and as last year, focused on the Flash for a good portion of the episode before introducing the Green Arrow. Then it pretty much picked up from there. How each character bounced off one another, creating unparalleled chemistry that draws you in and when the credits start to roll, it leaves you wanting more. The main plotline of both The Flash’s season 2 and Arrow’s season 4 was touched upon slightly just so it doesn’t tell you it has abandoned everything just to get these two superheroes in the same city together.

Arrow, now in its fourth season, has changed a lot since its third. Every character has developed nicely. In this episode, due to the subtle inclusion of its main plotline, it was able to go in a different direction and develop the storyline that started in the previous episode, and it’s because of that we were able to see someone else’s flashbacks instead of Oliver’s, which was a nice change so it doesn’t get repetitive and therefore boring.

Overall, this episode didn’t be what I had feared it would be: Too busy. With so many characters in each episode, I wondered if the story would struggle to compensate each one, but amazingly, each and every one of them had their say and affected the plot greatly. It even managed to include a subplot of Oliver’s son in there as well, which told us that Oliver isn’t completely out of the realms of keeping his cards close to his chest. Hopefully, he will break free of that over the course of the season, but as big as this secret is, I doubt that it will come to fruition. Oh, and did I mention that this episode marks the first time that time travel has been used in Arrow. Yeah, a lot happens in this episode, you just have to watch it to keep up with it all.

Vandal Savage’s introduction couldn’t have been better either. The actor who plays him new exactly what to do to make his character stand out among the crowd.
Overall, this was the perfect way of introducing the new series. I cannot wait for Legends of Tomorrow, where Vandal Savage will have the chance to develop some more, making him one of the greatest villains the Flash and Arrow has ever fought.

You can find the links to both show’s IMDB pages here:

Game of the Week

The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

One of my favourite games on the PS2, if you are having a stressful day or simply a bad day, then you can release some of that by playing this game. The moment you start playing this game, you will experience the full power of the Hulk itself. Smashing anything and everything in sight, throwing cars, trucks, buses, robots, lampposts, and jumping across two open areas, the entertainment will never stop. As you progress through the story and earning points, you will be able to buy moves and upgrades to make Hulk completely and utterly unstoppable, and once you have smashed your way through to the incredible, adrenaline rushed finale, you will be able to do it all over gain but keeping all the moves you’ve earned. Having that feature in the game, in my opinion, makes the game even more fun as you can do more than you could the first time round as you will have all the moves already; the title of this game does not mislead in the slightest. Every action Hulk performs is effortless, showing us just how strong he really is.

For me, as well as having fun doing whatever the heck I want, the experience is drenched in nostalgia as I have had this game many years before, but then my PS2 broke and I had to get rid of it. I then sold all of my games and didn’t really think twice about it. Many years passed and I realised that I should have kept the games and just brought myself another console for there really wasn’t an experience like it anywhere else, but then things evolved and I ended up purchasing myself another PS2. I ordered the game from Ebay and I was able to re-experience it all over again, and that when you’ve been away from that for a long while, your excitement increases tenfold.

You can find a link to a video of the trailer for the game here:

Video of the Week

If Websites Started Dating 2 | Emma Blackery
*Contains strong language*

If Websites Started Dating 1 was a cleverly constructed video representing how certain websites are viewed in the eyes of the internet. Their reputations have built up a specific review from the majority of internet users, and being humanised and shown to be on a date with Emma is a funny and to-the-point experience. When you watch this video and see each website’s quirky personality, you will believe that each website has been over-exaggerated for comedic effect, but then you suddenly get that moment of realisation of how each website actually is but you just never noticed it before. It brings to a confusing point of: You didn’t know how accurate her performance was, but when you saw the video, you will then know that you knew it. It’s a strange way of looking at it, I know, but one that you will easily understand the moment you watch the video.

As you can tell from the title, this is the second video Emma has showcased how each website works, and that video has gained the title of the most viewed on her channel.
If I had to pick a favourite, I would, without hesitation, say Tumblr, just because that made me laugh the hardest. I know I’m treading on some mighty thin ice here, but I’m merely just pointing out my opinion on the video and why I feel it has gained the right to be in this article this week. I highly recommend it.

You can find the link to the video here:

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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