Friday 4 December 2015

Random Topic Generator

The world is a big, complicated and busy place, full of so many things to see and listen to, think and talk about, understand and develop. Random Topic Generator is a series about anything and everything that interests me, whether it is something that caught my eye the other day when on the bus to work, or a big change for something popular.

At first, I thought it was going to be easy to talk and talk and talk about how the world works from my perspective, but I couldn't be more wrong. I find something interesting, make a mental note to write about it when I get back, or write it on my phone if I got the chance, then something else would come along and I make a note about that as well. And I will continue with that routine until I've a list containing too many topics to choose from.

I had to find a way of narrowing down my topics, and that is proving difficult. How do I reduce a list of fifteen topics down to one? I was ready to give up on the whole idea and think of something different to do each Friday and that's when I was struck by a brainwave. Why not talk about not being able to find something to talk about? I can still explain how I see the world as said above: It's busy.

But then I was hit by yet another obstacle. I'm going to be faced with the same problem next week as this week with struggling to find that one topic that stands out enough not to let anything else get in its way, and I can't keep avoiding writing about something via spontaneous loopholes, can i?

So, it looks like I need to come up with a new idea. Huh, well, to be honest I never thought I would be naturally dismissing the idea of this series in an article that was intended to promote it.

I do apologise for wasting however long it takes you to read this entry, if you haven't already clicked off it yet, which would then create a paradox. I don't know what I am even talking about anymore, so I shall end this entry and I'll just be over here wondering what the heck I've just written...

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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