Monday 21 December 2015

Top Number: Top 4 Online Generators

Sometimes when we sit down and want to create something, be it a plotline for a new plotline, lyrics for a new song, a character, or a username; we instead end up staring at a blank piece of paper not knowing what to write. I’ve been through writer’s block once before, and it isn’t nice. It makes you think that you’ve lost your talent of creativity. However, it isn’t as bad as it may first appear as the simple solution is to take a break, walk away and do something different before returning to your work and you might find that it’s a lot easier to complete and soon it will be done before you’ll even know it.
But sometimes, there can be that added pressure of having a deadline sitting on your shoulders, meaning you can’t just simply walk away for you would then be wasting valuable time and the worry and stress would continue to build and nothing would get done. It’s a vicious circle, and one that I’m hoping to help you break if you do ever find yourself stuck.

The internet is a helpful place (if you know what to look for) and can provide just the right amount of information necessary to get your creative juices flowing once more. Online generators are websites that focus on randomly generating a plotline, song lyrics, and character’s identity, and I have put together a list of 4 of them that I feel will help you reignite your imagination once more.

Number 4:

Internet Anagram Server

I can’t really talk about online generators without including the one that helped me get things moving. If you are stuck coming up with a cool username or a title for a project or a website, then this is the perfect place to find exactly that. For me, I inputted my name and hit search, and the anagram TonyHadNouns popped up, and from then on, things developed and one thing led to another, and here I am, recommending this website to help you get things moving as well. I’m putting this fourth because, although it does have a strong connection with me, there are other generators out there as well, and if I’m honest, they are better at helping you defeat writer’s block as they are much more detailed within their specific fields, but I thought I would just casually slip it in the list and move on.

Below is the link to the website:

Number 3:

The Song Lyrics Generator

A great little generator that offers a lot. The generator consists of three steps: Pick the genre you want your song to be written in, then answer a series of questions relating to that genre, then generate your song. It’s as simple as that. By answering the questions, your creative juices will be able to knock down that writer’s block and flow as free as ever before.

Below is the link to the website:

Number 2:

Plot Generator

Similar to The Song Lyrics Generator, you have to ask a series of questions before creating your plotline. If you are struggling to answer some of them, then hit the randomiser and it will answer them for you, or you could hit the button to fill in all of the questions, then create your plotline. You can have a lot of fun with the randomiser for if you allow it to answer all your questions for you, you get something like this:

The Curse of the Minuscule Record

A Horror Story
by Random Writer

Whilst investigating the death of a local police officer, a sweet homemaker called Zach Parker uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, minuscule record circulating throughout Cornwall. As soon as anyone uses the record, he or she has exactly 55 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look upside-down. A marked person feels like a curvaceous rabbit to touch.

Zach gets hold of the record, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flashes into his mind: a creepy donkey balancing on a cold police officer, an old newspaper headline about a sausage accident, a hooded bear ranting about hands and a drinking well located in a snooty place. 

When Zach notices his fingernails have rabbit-like properties, he realises that the curse of the minuscule record is true and calls in his lover, a lawyer called Georgina Willis, to help. 

Georgina examines the record and willingly submits herself to the curse. She finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. She finds the creepy donkey balancing on a cold police officer particularly chilling. She joins the queue for a supernatural death. 

Zach and Georgina pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded bear. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up? 

I don’t know about you, but I would defiantly read that story. You have my full permission to do with that plotline as you wish.

Below is the link to the website:

Number 1:

Fake Name Generator

So, you have your plotline, you have your settings, you pretty much have everything that you need for your novel, except the characters. What characters will best suit your story and stand out from the crowd. Introducing Fake Name Generator, an incredibly detailed generator that lists of everything you need to know about a non-existent person. Basically, just pick the country, the gender, and you’re away. Everything that you need to know about a character is right there in front of you, right down to their blood type, favourite colour, car, even their bank details (but of course they are completely and totally fake so don’t get any ideas), and they are different every time. And if you feel that something is quite right, then you can mix and match certain characteristics until you have found the perfect person for your story.

Below is the link to the website:

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey is now available on Amazon and eBay:



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