Monday 28 December 2015

Top Number: My Top 6 Films in 2015

This year in film has been an incredible one. A massive film fanatic that I am, I knew that I had to write an article explaining the reasons behind why I have chosen a certain as my favourites. I’ve seen a large range of genres, from comedy and animation to live action and horror, and there have been a few surprising films that have earned their spot on this list. It did take me a long while to arrange them in an order that I felt was right for each film since I didn’t want to have any that are sharing a spot. A couple you may recognise as I’ve already talked about them in my ‘… Of the Week’ articles.

Before I do start this list, I would like to say that this is my opinion, so if you do disagree with a film being on this list, feel free to do so and explain what films you find were the best of the year.

Number 6:

Project Almanac

Don’t worry, this list isn’t going to be compiled of films about time travel. This is the first film I saw in the year, and it was really well written. Made to look and feel like a found-footage film, this film is about a group of teenagers who discover plans to build a time machine in one of the character’s basement. Over the next days, they set about making the plans a reality and science fiction becomes reality. Soon they are able to go back in time to chance the past for their benefit or simply to have fun. However, things quickly get out of hand when one of the teenagers start going back in time alone.

For me, I’m not a huge fan of found-footage films as I do find it distracts me from the story, but I was intrigued as to how they would implement this particular genre to something that has been done many times before, and the result is a classic time travel story but told in a unique way. The found-footage aspect of it is neither a hit nor miss, but apart from that, it is a superb time travel story that has plenty of paradoxes to get your head bubbling with excitement.

Below is the link to the IMDB page for the film:

Number 5:

Paper Towns

Now, this film was a surprising one. I’m not fussy when it comes to watching films, but I do find myself not watching that many romance films as I’m more for those types of films where it’s the action is a plenty or the paradoxes are mind-bendingly fun, but when I sat down and watched this film after being recommended it, when the credits started to roll, I did think that was a brilliant film.

It’s about a teenage boy, Q, who has been in love with the girl, Margo, who is living in the house opposite since forever, and one night, Margo comes to his house asking if she could borrow the car, and since she doesn’t drive herself, then Q needs to come with to drive her to wherever she needs to go. After hesitating and being talked into it, he agrees to go along and what stems from that moment onwards is the greatest night of his life. Q gets to spend some alone time with the Margo, the girl of his dreams for an entire night, without any interruptions. What can be better than that? Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to find out as the next morning, he finds Margo suddenly gone. When investigating her sudden disappearance, he finds a set of clues leading to where she is. Believing it to be a test for him, he sets about following these clues with a group of friends to what is known as a Paper Town – a place that doesn’t officially exist because mapmakers add it to their maps to avoid any copyright infringement.

A clever love story that held me tight from beginning to end. I was thoroughly surprised to say the least.

Below is the link to the IMDB page for the film:

Number 4:

Insidious: Chapter 3

If there’s only one thing that the Insidious film series has done right, it’s getting the continuity across all three films absolutely perfect. Chapters 1 and 2 focus on the same family whereas this one focuses on a different family and is also a prequel to the first two. Full of scares and terrifying ghosts, recognisable characters to make you feel safe, and awesome continuity moments that will easily make you forget about the question: Why do they always put the prequel as the third film in the series?

If you haven’t seen it yet, then I shall not give away any spoilers for a horror film as great as this should be experienced with knowing as little about the story as possible. And if you have already seen the film, then you would know why I have kept any spoilers at bay.

Below is the link to the IMDB page for the film:

Number 3:

The Avengers: Age of Ultron

When I decided to write this list, the first film that immediately popped into my head for the number one slot was the sequel to the 2010’s The Avengers. We’re now so deep into the storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that this doesn’t shy away from not setting any characters up. From the word go, we are chucked into their world and a new story can begin. A lot of critics have stated that it is very hard to keep up with everything that is going on with how many characters there are and how many plot points that the other films have set up, but I feel that because we’re now nearing the mid-point of the epic journey with these incredible superheroes, it can’t waste its time bringing in new viewers. You need to watch the films beforehand to properly understand everything that is going on, that is a given, but the action, the overall banter between characters will keep you in your chair right the way through to the end.

Below is the link to the IMDB page for the film:

Number 2:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

‘What are you doing putting Star Wars second? What one film can possibly be better than this one?’ I hear you cry. I know I’m not going to be Mr. Popular after this, but I’m confident in saying that my number one film do deserve the number one spot. It is really hard to write an article, praising the film without giving away any major plot points. All I can say is the acting is superb, the storyline is epic, the fight scenes are very well choreographed, and the overall nostalgic atmosphere that surrounds the entire film will make you want to come back for more. Episode VIII is out in 2017. I know, I can’t wait that long either.

Below is the link to the IMDB page for the film:

Number 1:

Inside Out

Pixar’s Inside Out being number one makes the second year in a row that an animation film has taken the top spot. Last year it was deservingly given to the Lego Movie. Pixar has earned the reputation of making spectacular animation films that will pull you in and won’t let go and will undoubtedly pull on your tear ducks. Admittedly, they did have a period where they didn’t do quite as well, but Inside Out proves that Pixar is back and is staying for a very long time to come.

Focusing on the titular character, Riley, who has to adjust moving to a new home, away from her friends. Her emotions do go on a journey of a lifetime as well, exploring the core mechanics of their job is all about. Joy and Sadness learn an incredible lesson about how life works, and in turn helps Riley grow to be the person she will be as an adult. There are enough moments in this film that will test how strong you are before you start crying your eyes out. A film exploring how feelings deals with their feelings, this is one heck of a film and will remain on people’s minds for a very long time to come.

Whether or not it deserves a sequel is a debate that many people may say that it would ruin it if they did, yet the other half are saying that there is so much more than can be said. Growing up has many stages, and this film explored just one of those stages. What will happen in the next one? Should Pixar let us come up with our own stories, or make another film? Whatever they decide, I trust that they will make a film worth watching. Just make sure that it comes out after Incredibles 2. I’ve been waiting for that for years and I’ll be damned if I have to wait any longer. Where’s a time machine when I need one?

Below is the link to the IMDB page for the film:

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


My book, Sector 22:L Zoey, is now available on Amazon and eBay:



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