Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Watch – Part 33

I teleported back to my home. I was standing in my living room, out of breath.

‘Are you alright, Sebastian?’ B.O.B asked me.

‘I will be in a minute... I think’ I said, ‘I just need a sit down.’

‘How was your day?’

‘Eventful,’ That was all I could describe the day. I went to an event, and it turned out to be more eventful than I had planned for. I instinctively turned on the TV and flicked through every channel until I found the news network. As I had suspected, there was a reporter and a camera in the stadium, reporting on what has just happened – all information given to them from a member of the audience, who was eager to tell the story.

‘It was incredible,’ he began, letting his incomprehension out via enthusiastic mannerisms. ‘At first, I thought it was all part of the event, when the second robot descending from the sky, but then it started to attack the other, destroy it like it was nothing. I knew then that this event had gone wrong, no event would outright destroy the one robot that they were showing off for the audience. I was shocked into silence with what I saw, only for it to get so much weirder. When the lone teenager built up the courage to speak up and go against the robot’s orders, I knew that was an extremely bad idea, but then the tables changed far quicker than anything I’ve ever seen before and the teenager was fighting the robot, and winning, albeit with a couple of knocks here and there, but he won. He had superhuman strength and speed and healing powers. It was incredible, utterly incredible. You couldn’t have made it up if you tried.’

‘Thank you for your words,’ the reporter said. I sat there, wondering what’s going to happen. I knew that they would put out an investigation on what happened, who sent the robot, and who that teenager was.’

Then the reporter said something that I was not expecting, but after hearing it, I kind of already knew something like would have happened. ‘The event was recorded for training purposes, so that the army will be able to iron out any bugs that may have arisen during the event. We have permission from the man in charge to show you an exclusive clip of the teenager fighting the robot. If you have any information regarding who he is and who sent the robot, please contact us immediately on the number below.

The reporter disappeared, only to be replaced with a video clip of me fighting the robot. I was being picked up, then dropped onto the floor where it cracked like glass. I saw myself scramble slowly to my feet before launching an attack. The fight progressed until I managed to turn the tables and get the robot down onto its knees, before thrusting a sword through its chest. That was the end of the clip. The reporter returned.

‘As you can see, the robot was giving the teenager a run for its money, and vice versa. Then, as the clip continues, the teenager pulled ahead before winning the battle by using the robot’s own sword to deactivate it.’

I knew something like this would happen. I knew I was putting myself in the spotlight as soon as I made myself known to the audience. However, they do not know who I am, and that is all that matters. However, it is only a matter of time before they find out. This world has robots, and therefore advanced technology so finding out my identity is going to be very easy, indeed – a piece of cake, if you will.

Will that be such a problem if they do find out it was me? Will it be a problem if they knew who saved them that day? I’m not front this Universe. I come from a place that is a very, very long way away. So far away that I will never be found out. Is that going to be a problem that I won’t ever be found? Is presenting myself going to lead to more attacks, in the hope that I would show up and so whoever is behind this can get a chance to defeat me once a for all, but I won’t be here to do that and so innocent people may or will get hurt or killed.

I made it one of my rules that I would never reveal the watch to anyone. I never said that I wouldn’t show what it was capable of, to use it for the good of mankind. Do I have to stay here in the hope that I will be able to defeat the man or robot in charge, then once the great boss has been defeated, I can then return to my home Universe, knowing that this one is safe, or should I just go back home and leave this Universe be?

I don’t think my conscience could take that kind of abuse, knowing that there will be people in danger and I’m somewhere else. I know that I can just hop between the two in an instance, but I can’t guarantee that I will never be late because I won’t even know when something is happening, putting someone in danger. What do I do? I never thought that I would be revising my decision like this. Questioning my actions.

I continued watching the news network for the rest of the day as the investigation was officially opened and more interviews on what was going to happen were held. A scientist who was in the audience at the time, was speaking to the reporter at the arena, saying.

‘There was no way that, that person, who we can see from the video clip, is a teenager, would have been able to do what he did by ordinary training at the gym. He must have some aid. From looking at the video, it is unclear as to what that power source is, but we are going to have a professional look over the video frame by frame just to see if they can spot anything out of the ordinary.’

From the way this scientist is talking, he knows his stuff, but knows absolutely nothing about what had just happened, that he cannot give a definitive answer until he has analysed the video, which he hasn’t done because he has been pushed from one interviewer to another, where he gave the exact same answer, except in a different way just so that the words didn’t become meaningless to him. He continued. ‘The powers that he showed out there today were super strength, speed and healing. He sustained a huge cut on his back, but he quickly recovered and the blood soon stopped pouring. It is a possibility that it could be something in his blood that is giving him those powers, but it could very well be something external, maybe even both. I am only giving you a very vague answer because I simply do not know what or how he managed to do what he did without extensive research.’

‘Thank you for your time,’ the reporter said.

‘Thank you,’ he nodded before walking off camera.

The camera swung back around to where the reporter was standing who reintroduced the video once more to those who might not have seen it yet. This was about the seventh time this video had been shown today, on many different news networks. Each time I saw myself on the TV, fighting the robot, I felt proud that I did something good, that I stood up for myself and for the people in the audience and acted like a hero. I only now have to figure out what to do next.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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