Tuesday 5 April 2016

The Watch – Part 64:

The mall wasn’t that busy as most of the shops were only just opening, allowing us to have a casual stroll through the place without bumping into a random stranger. However, I have noticed that the more you try and not walk into someone’s path, they tend to walk into yours instead, which is rather annoying since it causes you to do a little dance before eventually deciding on going in opposite directions and passing each other, never to see that person again so to avoid that from happening again. However, that might be just me. This time I’m not worried about that happening today since I believe that nothing will get in the way of this already perfect day.

The first thing we did was head straight towards a collectibles shop that sells many things ranging from stuff from years ago to the very latest and rarest items across many media outlets such as film, TV, books, comics, and plays. I would go so far to say that whatever you can think of that is related to those said media outlets, then that shop will have it somewhere in its walls. I have been in here before, but that was some time ago. Each and every time I entered here I came out with something new and it was getting to the point where I was running out of shelf space in my room so I made a mental note not to enter this shop again. However, I can’t not enter now that I’m with Amy and so I walked through the door, entering what can only be described as nerd heaven. I wondered what Amy could want in a shop like this. I never thought she would even like this shop, but that might be just me thinking that no girlfriend would, but that might be because I’ve been watching too much TV. It was at this point that I realised that I was actually getting out more.

‘Look at that,’ Amy said, pointing towards a John Snow figuring from the popular TV show, Game of Thrones. She picked it up and showed it to me so I could get a better look at it. ‘Are you a fan of the show?’ she asked.

‘I haven’t personally watched it,’ I admitted.

‘Oh, you are missing out on some magnificent TV,’ she said. ‘Every episode adds so much to the story. It is unbelievable how they manage to fit that much information in a single forty-five-minute time frame.’

‘Maybe I can watch it this afternoon,’ I said.

‘Maybe?’ She looked at me, shocked that I would even consider questioning watching it.

‘I guess that means that I am.’

‘We can pop back to mine so that I can pick up my box set. Then watch it over yours,’ Amy said.

‘Ok, I can watch it this afternoon,’ I said.

‘You will indeed,’ she said jokingly serious before changing the subject. ‘I’m going to pay for this. Anything you want.’

‘Not that I can see,’ If I actually look around this place I will come out with something that I know won’t be able to fit on my shelf, resulting in me trying to rearrange my room just to create some space to put another collectible in. I haven’t mentioned my shelf because I didn’t think that it was necessary, but now that I’m in here, I have to just to give some context to if and when I get something. Due to not being a queue, Amy payed for her figurine and met me by the door where we exited the shop and headed to someplace else. Phew, I didn’t see anything and so didn’t buy it.

So... I said.

‘Make it up as we go along?’ Amy suggested.

‘I was about to say the same thing,’ I said. ‘It’s much more fun that way. Gives you a sense of adventure.’

‘Which leads me to this question. Where do you want to go next?’ I looked around before coming up with an answer.

‘How about to the…’

‘Hold that thought,’ Amy said as if she saw something amazing. I turned around and saw that she was watching a TV screen that sat in a shop window. There was no sound so we couldn’t hear what the reporter was saying, but the footage that sat in the top right hand corner explained everything we needed to know. There was the clip of me saving the train this morning.

‘I heard something about a runaway train on the radio just before I left,’ Amy said aghast.

‘I saw it on the news,’ I said, truthfully.

‘Isn’t it just a wonder how a train nowadays can become a runaway. I know the experts were saying that there could have been a fault in the electrics, but even so.’

‘Luckily no one was severely injured,’ I said.

‘And that’s a miracle, if I do say so myself,’ Amy said. ‘A train that size, going through town after town, level crossing after level crossing, not hitting an unsuspecting car or anything else is just a miracle. And from what I’m seeing now, that wasn’t the only one that happened today,’ she said as the clip restarted and saw me run at high speed up to the train’s engine, climb into the cab and bring the train to a safe stop. I had a feeling that Amy would somehow get wind of my actions, but I never expected it to be this quick. However, I should have, considering that we are in a shopping centre with access to so many TVs that at least a few would be showing the news, and my actions are certainly something juicy for the news channels to get their teeth stuck into and talk about for hours on end, trying to answer the questions that they know they won’t be able to without expert intervention, but just keep trying just to keep the person watching. It was just like what happened back in the other Universe.

I know that I said that I wouldn’t draw attention to myself since I have people that I know here, but I couldn’t just stand there and watch a potential disaster happen. I had the power on my wrist to stop that train and so I did. Now, I have to face the consequences of my actions, if you do want to call getting people to try and figure out who you are a consequence, that is.

‘I wonder how many people are going to try and convince people that this is just a hoax’ I said.

‘I hope not that many,’ Amy said. ‘The news will have to invent a new kind of low if they want to fake something like this.’

‘True,’ I said.

‘Do you think that they are going to get all the answers they want?’ Amy ask. Secretly, I hope not as they would then know me and that can lead to a whole set of complications, but I can’t say that as that will defiantly give the game away. I will have to say something that wouldn’t draw attention to myself. This is why I said that I wouldn’t be drawing attention to myself in the first place, because I now have to come up with suitable answers on the spot, but I believe that I can rise to the challenge.

‘If they dig deeper, they might be able to find out something, but if that person doesn’t want to be found out, then I don’t think they are going to answer anything,’ I said which was pretty much what I thought but was said in such a way that I thought was the perfect answer.

‘I guess so,’ Amy said.

‘Come on,’ I said, ‘I’ll buy you a coffee.’

‘And make sure it comes with cream,’ Amy smiled. She held my hand as we made our way to the café just to the left of us. I knew that there would be a TV there, but now that I am in a place where I can start other topics of conversation.

I hope this doesn’t get too out of hand.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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