Tuesday 26 April 2016

The Watch – Part 70

‘I don’t know whether I should feel weirded out that you beat me or not since I also beat you, making it one all?’ Amy asked herself more than me.

‘Well,’ I said, ‘we can always make things interesting and battle it out one more time to decide who’s the better dancer once and for all,’ I said.

‘“Battle it out”?’ Amy repeated.

‘Sorry,’ I said. I tend to get a little dramatic when it comes to competitions like this.’

‘I think it’s cute,’ she said making me blush before realising something.

‘You’re not trying to distract me by making me blush and all that jazz, are you?’ I asked her.

‘And what if I am,’ she said stepping up to me before pecking me on the cheek once more.

‘Because that’s not against the rules at all,’ I said smiling before returning the kiss.

‘Whose turn is it to pick?’ Amy asked trying to hide her mushy face and get back on track and concentrate on the game, even though we’ve successfully managed to distract ourselves instead of just the other one.

‘I think it’s your turn,’ I said.

‘Didn’t I pick last time, though?’ she asked.

‘You might have done,’ I said trying to push my memory back to only a few moments ago, but the last couple of seconds kept on getting in the way.

‘Rock, Paper, Scissors?’ Amy suggested.

‘OK,’ I said raising and closing up my hand to form a fist. Amy did the same and placed it directly in front of mine.

‘Ready?’ I asked.

‘On three.’



‘Three,’ we both said together whilst revealing our choice. I picked rock whilst Amy picked paper, meaning she won and gets to pick the next song to dance to.

‘Better luck next time,’ she said wrapping her hand over mine to show that she had one the game and took the controller out from my hand.

‘I don’t understand,’ I said. ‘I’ve always managed to win with rock.’

‘Everyone picks rock as their first choice,’ Amy explained as if it was common knowledge, ‘and so I always pick paper and about ninety percent of the time it works.’ Amy pushed down the down arrow on the D-pad and let the selection of songs fly upwards until it hit the bottom where she picked the song, ‘Bird is the Word,’ which was one of the hardest songs in the entire game. I covered up my fear by saying.

‘But now that I have that knowledge as well and so the next time won’t be so easy to win.’

‘It should be interesting,’ Amy said handing me the controller after selecting the song and preparing to dance. ‘I hope that you’ve still got some energy left inside you because you are about to dance your socks off.’

‘I can say the same thing to you,’ I said.

‘But you won’t because I’m going to prove just how extraordinary a dancer I am,’ she said.

‘You have no idea where this conversation is going do you?’

‘Not a clue,’ she said simply as the countdown started and finished before the arrows came barrelling up the screen. Her legs were a blur. They moved in every which way in speeds I thought was impossible for the human legs to reach. It was from this performance that I realised that Amy has done this before. There is no other way that she can be that good at noticing when each arrow has appeared and what direction it is pointing in such a short amount of time unless she has a lot of experience under her belt, enabling her to remember each move. I was in complete awe.

Tom has quite a lot of experience with this game, but even he struggles massively when it comes to dancing to this song, and I’m next. Is that cheating, picking a song that she knows how to dance to with considerable amount of accuracy and my not knowing how to even comprehend the speed of it? No, I can’t consider it cheating if she doesn’t know that, that is the only song in the entire game that I cannot complete with an accuracy rating of over 50%, and Amy has already beaten my best in the first minute with a staggering accuracy rating of 70% and climbing fast. I think this is the only time I’ve ever done that comical gulp to show that I’m terrified of being beaten.

‘You’re up,’ Amy said, out of breath with a very credible 87% score. She sat down on the sofa, waiting for me to step onto the map and dance to that impossibly hard song. But I wasn’t scared at all about dancing to a song that I can barely do. I’ve defeated hundreds of robots and their giant counterparts, came face to face with a super villain and even successfully saved an entire world from being obliterated by a dozen gigantic rockets.

I’m terrified…

The game loaded up, and started the countdown. I have to somehow try and block everything out so that I am able to concentrate on the arrows alone, just so that I will have some chance of processing them and reacting to them accordingly.

3. 2. 1. Go.


Amy was bent double with laughter. My legs were flying all over the place and nearly caused me to lose balance. Luckily I managed to right myself and get back on track, but at the end of the song, I only scored a percentage of 76%, which was the best I’ve ever done, but just wasn’t enough to get remotely close to Amy’s score, let alone beat it.

‘Well, at least I tried,’ I said shrugging my defeat away.

Amy was in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. ‘Your legs were flying every which way,’ she said through gasps of air. ‘It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.’ Her laughter was naturally very contagious and after about a minute, I was also laughing as well. With tears in our eyes, we finally calmed down and sat back down on the sofa.

‘Good game,’ I said.

‘It was,’ Amy confirmed. We were still out of breath from all the dancing and laughing. I felt as if I had lost several pounds and strengthened my stomach and legs muscles in the process.

‘And they say that games don’t give you any exercise,’ I said.

‘I know, right,’ Amy said.

‘Now, because you beat me, I think you deserve my gift.’

‘Did we agree on an award after someone wins?’ Amy said trying to think back.

‘No, but I thought I would anyway.’

‘Well, when you put it like that,’ she said smiling.

I leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips.

‘I think I already have one of those,’ she said, ‘but it doesn’t hurt to have a collection.’ That was the cheesiest sentence anyone has ever said, which is why it was also so romantic.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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