Wednesday 4 May 2016

… Of the Week: 4th – 11th May 2016 (Birthday Special)

Film of the Week:

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

If your pet suddenly disappears, the only person who can track it down is the Pet Detective. Jim Carrey’s hyperactive performance never fails. It’s designed to be over the top, and Jim is the only person who can achieve such awesomeness for an entire film.

When the team mascot, a bottlenose dolphin, named Snowflake, is taken just before the Miami Dolphins play in the Super Bowl, as well as informing the Police on this matter, Melissa Robinson, the Team’s Chief Publicist, also alert Ace Ventura, who immediately gets to work and finds some pretty interesting clues. Although Ace does find these clues, his first impression leaves them questioning him.

Even though this didn’t come out on the 5th May, it was the top film for that day, and rightly so, because it is pure comedy. It’s not made to be taken seriously, it’s made just for an entertaining night in with either yourself or your family, and you are guaranteed to laugh every time. This film also launched Carrey’s career further than ever into a household name. Nowadays, the film has a cult following.

My favourite scene has to be when Ace accidentally falls into the water tank with a shark, fights it and when coming out of the bathroom, soaked and his clothes torn to shreds, he tries to shake it off with the excuse that you shouldn’t go in there for a while. To be honest, though, pretty much every scene is my favourite scene, but that one stands out the most.

TV Episode of the Week:

The Simpsons – Season 5 – Episode 19: Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song

The famous episode when Principal Seymour Skinner gets fired after a show and tell goes horribly wrong. Bart wants to impress the classroom and takes his dog, Santa’s Little Helper, to school to present him to the class, which goes well, but after distracting the class for too long, he is asked to take him away. Santa’s Little Helper smells food coming from the vents and starts exploring to find it, only to get lost. Groundskeeper Willie is given the task to retrieve Santa’s Little Helper, which leads to the events of Seymour getting fired. Superintendent Chalmers then hires a Ned Flanders as the new principal, which goes… disastrously from the very beginning due to Ned’s belief that discipline shouldn’t be enforced in the school anymore, allowing the kids to do what they want, and cause absolute chaos.

Bart feels guilty that his actions got Seymour fired, and they strike up a friendship. Seymour then decides to go back to his roots and re-join the army. After some convincing however, Seymour does agree to help Bart get Ned sacked, a mission that Homer insisted that he be a part of.

Their plan works and Ned is fired, Seymour is reinstated, and everything goes back to normal, including Bart and Seymour’s relationship as being enemies.

This episode mainly focuses on the love-hate relationship between Bart and Seymour. They do get along well with one another, but they always end up fighting because of something Bart has done. It is also the 100th episode overall, which is a cause for celebration. Even though it is a massive milestone, and they did deal with a big topic, it basically is just another ordinary episode of The Simpsons, which is a testament to the writer’s ability back when the show was as strong as it once was.

Game of the Week:

Doom II: Hell on Earth

Doom 1 became an instant hit, flying off the shelves faster than people could arrive at the shops to buy them. With a gripping storyline, as well as reimagining the first-person shooter genre, it’s no surprise that the developers, id Software, made a sequel, and it too was an instant hit.

Doom 1’s multiplayer wasn’t well received however. It had many problems. Doom II’s multiplayer was greatly improved from its predecessor. It is awesome to note that even back in 1994, the ability to play the same game from two different houses was a possibility. Nowadays, when that idea has exploded immensely with many titles such as COD, and GTA V, it starts to feel as if it is a brand new thing, when really it isn’t that new at all.

The entire Doom franchise has become a classic in its own right. The original is still being played today, but as good as it was back then, it’s hard to find the right hardware to play it on, and even if you do have the correct console, it might be getting a bit old, which isn’t too much of a worry when id Software has announced a remastered version of Doom. However, as development went on, certain bits of information has changed, and I believe it may just be a reboot of the franchise, to bring it up to modern days. Let’s hope that the micro-transaction virus has infected it, and the developer hasn’t gotten it in their heads that if they release the game early they’ll be able to get all that money sooner. To live up to the first impact the franchise had, it needs to be a solid, finished, and trustworthy game through and through.

Video of the Week:

Remember 1994

On 5th May 1994, I was born. A lot happened in 1994. The problem is, I can’t remember any of it being only a baby back then. This video is a montage of all the great moments throughout the year, including the film the Lion King, which is considered one of the greatest animated film of all-time by a lot of people. It was also the year that Friends air its first ever episode. And it was also the episode when many classic songs came out. The nostalgic feeling is high with this video…

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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