Saturday 7 May 2016

The Watch – Part 73:

I’m not one for lying in. I don’t like doing nothing for half of the morning, only to get up and not be able to complete what I want to do that day. I understand as to why people do like to have a lay in now and again; if yesterday was a busy day, or if they are working night shifts, but I just can’t bring myself to lay in. Not only that, but I often get rather uncomfortable after a short period of time. I have to get up and walk about to stretch my legs, back and arms.

However, now that I have acquired this incredible watch, I don’t have to worry about wasting time because I can make no time pass at all if I shall wish and get up whenever I want after a nice relaxing time in bed, then resume time once more and carry out my objectives during the day without any worry about not being able to have enough time to complete them.

Today, in particular, though, I didn’t wake up until it was gone half-past nine. But I didn’t regret it or worry about anything like that since I could easily just travel back in time to seven on the dot and enjoy the day from there. Of course, I need to move downstairs before I do travel backwards in time for I will come across my sleeping-self, and although I was too well asleep to notice anyone walking around in my room, I thought I would be on the safe side of things and head downstairs anyway. 

I passed the phone as I headed into the living room and saw that I had two missed calls from Tom and one from Amy. During any other time, I would feel incredibly guilty that I didn’t answer any of these calls, but now I get an opportunity to pick up each call the moment they ring.

I imputed the necessary commands into my watch and pressed the activation button. I went back in time by a couple of hours.

Standing in my living room at exactly seven in the morning, the usual time that I get up each day, it did feel rather weird that I’m currently sleeping upstairs. Due to my presence not being around when I came down the stairs, I came to the conclusion that I must at some point leave the house. The question that is in my mind right now is, who out of Amy and Tom is going to ask me to come out with them for any reason?’

I shouldn’t wait around for the phone to ring. I should at least get myself ready for when they ask ring. Ah, I have met a problem that I should have thought of before coming downstairs. I should have grabbed my clothes before travelling back in time. Now I have to walk into my past-self’s bedroom and grab them without making too much noise so that I don’t wake him up and disrupt things.

Wait a minute – I don’t have to. My watch allows me to change my clothes to anything I wish, and so that is exactly what I am going to do.

‘Maybe I should try something new,’ I said to myself as I was searching through the massive wardrobe within my watch, looking at every shirt and T-shirt, trousers and shorts, and jumpers and jackets, and hats, sunglasses, and an assortment of accessories. It felt as if I was playing a real life game of The Sims. The difference being that I know what I want to dress my characters in, but I have absolutely no idea what to dress myself in. There is literally too much to choose from.

A sudden realisation popped into my head. I don’t have to choose. I have a history that I can dive into and get back the clothes that I wore yesterday and they’ll be as if they were brand new. Going by that logic, I won’t ever have to wash any clothes ever again. That could come in handy at some point. Navigating through the watch, I eventually found the history and selected the outfit that I wore yesterday. The moment my finger touched the outfit, it started to appear on my body, replacing my pyjamas and storing them into the history as well. Seeing my clothes change by themselves is still a weird sight to see. It will be a long while before I get used to that. When they had finished changing, I looked at myself in the mirror. My reflection wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans stared back at me. It was then that I noticed that what I had picked might not have been what I wore yesterday. To be honest, I can’t remember what I wore yesterday, and it would be unnecessary for me to hop back in time just to look up what I wore. I’m happy with this outfit.

The moment that my clothes had finished changing, the phone rang.

‘Hello,’ I said, picking up the receiver with curiosity since I knew the person on the other end could be either Amy or Tom.

‘Hello,’ Amy’s voice answered.

‘And what do I owe this pleasure,’ I said.

‘Would you mind coming over, I need to explain something to you,’ she said sounding rather serious.

‘Sure,’ I said, ‘let me just get myself ready and I’ll be over as soon as,’ I said.

‘Actually,’ Amy said in such a way she must have thought that she was going to be asking too much of me, ‘I wondered if you would mind coming over now. You can have breakfast here and all that, it’s just that I really would like to explain something to you.’

‘Of course,’ I said. ‘I’ll be right along.’

‘Thanks,’ she said before hanging up the phone.

‘Does that mean that I won’t be answering Tom’s calls after all,’ I said just before the phone rang again, making me jump. I picked up the receiver once more and answered it.

‘Morning,’ Tom said.’

‘And how are you?’ I asked.

‘I’m good. You?’

‘Very well, thank you,’ I said,

‘Excellent,’ Tom said.

‘Actually, you caught me just as I was leaving,’ I explained.

‘Oh,’ he said. ‘Is it with the one and only Amy?’ he teasingly asked.

‘And what if it is?’ I answered in a form of a question.

‘I’m glad that things are working out for your two,’ he said.

‘I’m sorry if that means I won’t be able to do what you had planned today,’ I said, ‘but Amy sounded as if the call was rather urgent, and I can’t not go, can I,’ I said.

‘Not a problem,’ Tom said rather coolly.

‘You’re OK with this?’

‘Of course I am,’ he said.

‘I appreciate this, you know that, don’t you?’

‘I know,’ he said. ‘You owe me one though.’

‘I’ll think of something,’ I said.

‘See you soon, then,’ he said.

‘See you soon, Tom,’ and we both hung up the phone together. I grabbed my shoes and coat and made my way towards Amy’s house.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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