Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Watch – Part 74:

I arrived at Amy’s house in good time. I rang the doorbell. The door had cloudy glass in the middle, which allowed me to see inside the house, but all images were completely blurry so all I was able to make out were the movements of objects, not the objects themselves. I saw someone descend the stairs before opening the front door. Amy stood before me, smiling.

‘Morning,’ Amy said, letting me in. I stood insider her hallway and when Amy had shut the front door, I noticed something different about Amy’s appearance.

‘Did you get any sleep, last night?’ I asked sounding rather worried. She had bloodshot eyes with massive bags underneath. She was wearing the same clothes as she did yesterday and her voice sounded strained due to being up for many hours without even a nap.

‘I never had the chance to,’ she said. All her energy was being used to keep her standing upright so she wasn’t her cheerful-self, however she did manage to muster a smile and be delighted at the fact I was now in her company. The more I study her tiredness, the more curious I become as to what that thing could be. I would guess that the amount of tiredness would correspond to the largeness of that thing is. And from what Amy looks like, that thing must be pretty impressive to say the least.

‘Are you sure you’re going to be alright?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Amy said, shrugging as if to say she stays up all night on a regular basis. She walked passed me and headed upstairs.

‘You gonna follow me,’ she said.

‘Er…’ I said. I wasn’t expecting to go upstairs.

‘Are you honestly thinking that,’ she said, looking at me with a ‘are you serious,’ look.

‘No,’ I said quickly before following her up the stairs. ‘I was just a bit surprised that I was going up your stairs before you go up mine, that’s all.’

‘You’re making it worse, you know that,’ she said in such a way that basically told me to stop talking.

‘I know,’ I said as if I knew that I had better stop talking until spoken to.

‘And this,’ Amy said, opening her bedroom door, revealing her room, ‘is my palace.’ Her room was incredibly neatly organized. My room was organised well so that I would be able to find everything with ease whenever I need it, but compared to Amy’s room, my room looks as if a tornado went through it and didn’t look back. Her clothes were very nicely folded on top of her chair ready to be put into her wardrobe. Her bedside cabinet had only the essentials: An alarm clock, a picture that was turned at a precise angle that I couldn’t see it upon walking in but would if I was lying in bed, and a box that had many sequins all over making it sparkle in the room’s light. Amy’s wall opposite her bed was where the computer sat. Her desk was the messiest place in the entire room; evidence of her working all night on something. Her screen had gone to sleep so I couldn’t see what was on until she tapped the mouse gently, waking it up and revealing to me what all the fuss was about.

‘Behold,’ she said as epic as she could muster as the screen came on. Her screen was cluttered with many windows, all dotted about, but somehow was rearranged in such a way that all the necessary information needed was easily visible and readable. A Word document that sat in the right hand corner of the screen had many notes organised with bullet points and the window directly opposite contained the webpage that explained something that took me by surprise. The website was about the, and I quote, ‘amazing hero that appeared out of nowhere, selflessly putting his life on the line, quite literally, to stop a seemingly unstoppable train that had defeated so many of the police’s resources.’

I had no clue that Amy was this interested in him. In me. I thought, that during the time we were having our dance off, she was slowly forgetting what happened yesterday, but in actuality her thoughts of him – of me – were growing stronger and stronger, only to be finally let loose all throughout last night. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to say anything that would mean that Amy was acting smartly to research him/me, and I didn’t want to say anything that would encourage her to carry on.

But hang on, I only performed two acts of saving people. One being the runaway train and the other at the shopping centre, both were yesterday, so how on Earth all this information was able to be collected and be organised into, what appears to be, many websites. I think, the best way to go about this is being as curious as Amy is for I want to get some answers to some things that I should know. How do I not know the answers to some things when it was clearly me being the one answering everything that I’m going to be finding out today?

It was at that point the size of the lightbulb or realisation that illuminated in my head grew so bright that I could barely think properly.

‘According to this,’ I said aloud to Amy ‘he has saved over five hundred people from a massive office block fire.’ I looked at the date and saw that it was last year on this very day to be exact.

‘And that’s not all,’ Amy said, taking control of the mouse once more. ‘He has popped up all over the world, saving people left, right and centre. He is an incredible human being. There’s one website that goes into the science behind his amazing powers. Obviously everything that is written on that website is one-hundred percent theoretical, but there is some truth behind some concepts that makes it rather believable…’

Oh, Sebastian, what have you gotten yourself into?


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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