Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Watch – Part 72

The question that I have to ask myself, is why I was acting so crazily. I mean, I would never consider being anything but serious, but I was acting as if it was all a bit of fun instead, and that surprises me more than anything else.

I know that I have to act the way I did when I saw myself back in the shopping centre earlier today otherwise I would change the future, and would then lead to probable dire consequences and that’s something that I won’t know how to fix even with my watch’s power at hand.

But, hang on, would it actually change anything. I mean, all that would change will be the way I was acting. I will still go back in time and complete the paradox as that is far more important to do, surely. Should I take that risk, as I might not be able to change it back if things go a little haywire? However, if I don’t change things, then everything will be the way they were originally – I will just have to make sure that I take things a little bit more seriously from then on. I mean, the more I will myself to be serious during those situations, then if an event such as this paradox ever occurs again, then I shouldn’t be acting so uncharacteristically.

I inputted the necessary commands into the watch and pressed the activation button, changing my clothes from normal, everyday wear to my formal suit. I also remember having superhuman speed as well, so I activated that power, making sure that it was fast enough for me to be gone in a blink of an eye when I need to.

After inputting some more commands, I was once again flying through the Space-Time vortex, which will lead me to this morning. I figured that I would just appear out of thin air as I didn’t actually see my future-self actually enter the shopping centre, just appear behind him. That won’t cause any unwanted commotion because it didn’t before. Everyone will be too busy focusing on the person who’s doing all the threatening.

The effects of the Space-Time vortex are practically non-existent now. I did wonder how long it would take for my body to get used to travelling through the vortex. Turns out, not that long. I’m also wondering how long it will take for my body to get used to teleporting and travelling through the Void, which is the most demanding of the three, but that’s for another time.

The Vortex evaporated, leaving me standing in the shopping centre and behind the misunderstood person’s back. I looked around the area just to make sure that I wasn’t going to do any harm to anybody. They had all obeyed his order of getting onto the floor. And there was my other-self, kneeling under the table. I only gave him a very quick glance in his general direction, just to give him the thought of wondering whether I had looked directly at him, which I remember having when I was him. I readied to do what I saw myself doing earlier – what I’m now seeing myself doing – what I will soon be doing… something like that.

I tapped him on the shoulders and he turned around.

‘Can I have those,’ I said, repeating myself, in a very weird and not-technically-correct use-of-those-words way. I smiled at him as if to say hello but not actually voicing my expression as that would change how things played out earlier. I may be over thinking this and just get on with it for the more I worry about changing the past, the more likely I’m actually going to stumble and do exactly that.

‘I mean, I know that you may not want to share, but I’m not asking for any. I’m asking for them all.’ That’s not sharing is it? It’s called borrowing, except I’m not going to give them back. As I had guessed, he looked at me as if to say that I was completely nuts. He was about to yell at me to get down onto the floor.

‘However,’ I continued, knowing what’s going to immediately follow, ‘if you don’t let me have them, I will have no choice but to take them from you and I know that you wouldn’t like that would you.’ Silence for about a second before the all anticipated yelling started.


‘So that’s a no then,’ I said, remembering what I must do next. ‘Well, if that’s the case,’ I shrugged. ‘I will have no choice but to take those by force,’ I was gone in a blink of an eye and so were the bombs around his waist. That’s because I had taken them from him. With speed that can rival that of the Flash’s, I ripped off his belt containing the bombs and ran away out into the street where I continued until I was a safe distance away before I could safely get rid of them in the water. I threw them as far as I could into the ocean, but not before I figured out how to activate them and exploded them underwater, creating a rather epic explosion of water. There was no one about to bear witness to me so I wasn’t worried about what I was doing.

‘So that’s how it feels to be so uncharacteristic like,’ I said to myself whilst staring out into the ocean. ‘And I also know what I did after I ran away with the bombs,’ I said. I never questioned that, but I knew that I would find out shortly.

‘I don’t like it,’ I said with finality before I teleported myself back home where I quickly got myself readied for a good night’s sleep by slipping into my pyjamas and hopping into bed where I closed my eyes and fell asleep into a dreamless sleep.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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