Monday 12 June 2017

Mum's Monday: A Place to Call Home by Carole Matthews

This book is outstandingly well-researched, sadly what happens in this book does happen. Ayesha has run away with her daughter Sabrina from an abusive arranged marriage. It is cleverly put together and shows how Ayesha put in place arrangements for her escape. This book explores the shame a broken marriage can bring to families involved and how different cultures and religions feel about family life. This gives a clear and realistic view on how the characters feel and handles the situation they find themselves in.

The story shows how you can change but still be true to yourself and your beliefs; despite a makeover, influenced by Crystal, Ayesha still wants to cover up and be modest. Ayesha and Sabrina have found a safe house where Crystal has persuaded the owner Hayden to let them move in. Crystal shows just because she works in an unsavoury club that given the chance she is still caring helpful and can still change and turn her life around.

Sabrina doesn’t speak, all the trauma she has been through has rendered her mute. One thing that sadly happens and is revealed in this book is the fact that when Sabrina is being introduced to people it is mentioned in a clear voice in front of the child that she doesn’t speak. Although this is a true statement, I feel that if you tell a child or the child over hears that they don’t speak enough times then they just won’t be encouraged to at all. Luckily for this story, Hayden is a singer and Sabrina starts to sing with him and eventually begins to talk again. One of the good things to come out of this book is when Ayesha mentions just because Sabrina doesn’t speak it doesn’t mean she is not brainy. This is a great portrayal of the situation and we can all learn from this. 

Joy, one of the other residents in the house, who starts off by being a bitter old woman soon warms to Ayesha and Sabrina. This book shows if you want something bad enough you can overcome your fears and make it happen. Joy has family on the other side of the world but she insists on telling everyone and herself that she doesn’t fly and cannot go and see them. When a visit from them falls through Joy has a change of heart and with the help from Hayden gets on a plane.

This book has a lot of layers and shows how one decision made by one person can change the dynamics of a household and change people’s lives forever, for the better.

This book shows nothing is impossible if you want it.

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