Tuesday 13 June 2017

The Watch – Part 183:

Actually, there is something inside my head. Or at least someone. Well, something that looks like someone. Interface. Interface, the A.I. from the watch. He’s been helping me this entire time. He has been inside my head, helping me be immune to specific soundwaves, numb pain, and help figure out the answers to the questions. He has been there this entire time, yet now that everything is happened, I’ve completely forgotten about him. He is the one inside my head.

Can Interface help me now? How will be able to? Does that matter?

The thing that I cannot get my head around is how I’m able to communicate with him. Yeah, that’s important to know, somehow. Is it? He’s been there, helping me.

Maybe he’ll be able to tell me where I am?

Hang on. If I’m somewhere other than where I want to be, which is where Amy and Tom is, then how can I communicate with Interface? How can Interface communicate with me? Because I have the watch on my wrist. Because I’ve been acting normally, I’ve somehow fooled myself that I’m… here instead of… not here…

Something’s telling me something. Interface is the thing that isn’t inside my head. But he is. His voice has been inside my head from the very beginning. If his voice hasn’t been in there, then…

Where am I?

I don’t feel as I’m progressing any further with my deductions. I feel as I’m going around in circles. I feel as if I’m…

Feelings. Maybe it’s something to do with feelings? Is that something I’ve been missing? I mean, feelings are in someone’s head. Feelings are in my head. Your brain – my brain – has to process feelings otherwise we won’t be able to touch, taste, know when to quit or keep going, and know when to run and hide or stay and fight. Feelings are what drives us, and are what have been driving me forwards during this entire, strange, experience. Maybe that’s… No, that is what is inside my head. Feelings. But Interface can’t be a feeling. No… Interface isn’t a feeling. He’s the A.I. in the watch. He doesn’t make me feel anything except weirdness that I’ve got a voice besides my own inside my head. Interface isn’t a feeling… but has been projecting the feeling of weirdness into my head. That doesn’t sound like a solid answer. Should I scrap that? No, I don’t think I should.

I’ve been feeling confused this entire time. I’ve stated so many times before that I’ve never felt more confused in all my life. I haven’t been feeling any pain when I broke my hand.

Wait! Did I actually make it so that I didn’t feel any pain, or… Did whatever is inside my head make me not feel pain for me? That’s an interesting question and one that is making me feel… correct. How can one feel correct? Well, like this I suppose. I’ve never felt correct, only happiness for being correct. That’s weird.

That’s another feeling. As well as confusion, weirdness has been a big part of all of this. Confusion, weirdness, no pain.

I remember that I had a similar experience like this before I realised that it was cleverly constructed soundwaves that made you feel confused. Maybe that was foreshadowing what was about to happened… What is happening now? That makes sense… sort of… maybe…

Where am I?

I feel as if I should know that. Does it matter that I never answered the question: Where has he gone to? Nothing’s happened, so I don’t think that matters. There was a third thing that I was missing, but I never got around to figuring that out. Does that matter? I don’t know.

Where am I?

I doubt that I would be able to come up with a definitive answer. But maybe I might be able to come up with something that would lead to a definitive answer… if that makes any sort of sense.

Where am I?

I know where I am. Do I?

There’s something inside my head. Something strange. Something… that isn’t Interface.

Where is the chair that he was sitting on?

Where is the chair that I was sitting on?

Where is the room that I was in?

The walls; they’ve disappeared.

I’m floating; or at least I feel as if I am; no… I don’t feel as if I am at all; no… I’m confused… my brain is confused as to whether I am floating or not.

Scared. I felt scared during my time here. That’s another feeling I can add to my list of feelings that I’ve felt here.

Am I still missing something?

Is there anything missing at all? There’s nothing around me. There’s nothing around me. There’s nothing around me…

The Void.

Am I in the Void?

Why would I be there? I teleported to a different place on this planet, not to a different universe. Besides, I still have my body, something that I wouldn’t have if I were in the Void.

Something’s in my head.

I feel as if something is inside my head.

Why am I not communicating with Interface? Can I communicate with Interface?

Wait! Something’s… my head… trying to intensify itself. I can feel it. I can feel as if something’s trying to break through my natural defences. Interface? Is that you? Is that… Something’s telling me that it isn’t interface.

No, I can tell that it isn’t Interface. I don’t know how… yes I do know how I can tell. The moment that I put the watch on my wrist, there was pain and it was that pain that masked Interface’s journey into my head, save from the feeling as if something was crawling inside. Oh, maybe it is the same as what is happening now. Oh. Well, does that mean…? Maybe…

I’m tired.

All this trying to deduce stuff is wearing me out. I think I need to sleep. My eyelids are dropping.

I can’t sleep.

I mustn't sleep.

I need to stay awake to figure this out. I still haven’t figured what that third thing I’m missing is.

My eyelids begin to drop.

I close my eyes.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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