Wednesday 6 January 2016

… Of the Week: 6th – 13th January 2016

Film of the Week:

What Woman Want
(By Guest Writer: Sandra Hudson)

At last a film that all men should see. Women go through a lot in life, whether it is only just in their heads: How they see themselves from day to day, body image, etc. This film also proves that what a woman says and what she is thinking are two different things. Is it true that men just breeze through life as this film suggests at the beginning? Maybe some of them.

Nick, after being brought up by a Las Vegas Showgirl surrounding by all women who took care of him, is now a divorced, single father of one, who is a self-centred wannabe ladies-man who thinks he deserves what he wants. At the beginning of the film, he seeks for a promotion, which is rivalled when his boss hires a strong woman, Darcy, who knows what she is doing. A well thought out plan of hers is for the team to invent a new advertisement for women’s products by giving said box to try out. That night, Nick gets drunk and that leads to a hilarious montage of him testing out the products on himself by putting on the nail polish, waxing only one of his legs, and putting on tights. In the middle of testing out products, his daughter and her boyfriend walk in, which leads to an awkward encounter. They boyfriend finds it funny, even though he tells the truth that it’s all in the name of research for work.

Afterwards, a series of events leads to him being electrocuted by a hairdryer and falling into a bath full of water, and knocked out. Next morning, his housekeeper finds him lying face down on the floor, dazed and confused. During their usual morning conversation, he hears more than he usually does. It is then that he notices he can hear her thoughts, and when going to work, notices that he can hear what every woman is thinking. At work, during a meeting, he quickly utilise this power to steal another woman’s ideas as if they were his own, which then leads to him stealing Darcy’s thoughts in order to achieve that promotion. It backfires when the boss fires Darcy because of his performance, he realises that he has no thoughts of his own and asks for Darcy back.

Running throughout as a subplot, is Erin, who organises the files. No one notices her usually. It is only by Nick hearing Erin’s thoughts that he discovers that she is unhappy and depressed. As the film nears the end, Erin is missing from work and Nick knows her story when no one else does. He panics and goes to find her, and in doing so loses his ability to hear woman’s thoughts. This film makes you realise that you should be aware to notice everyone in the workplace, and it is this lesson that Nick is able to convince Erin to come back to work with a promotion that she was entitled to beforehand but Nick turned her down.

By the end of the film, he has won over his daughter and her friends, strengthening their father-daughter relationship.

We can learn lessons from this film by how we see people. The way they act may not necessarily be the way they feel.

Below is the link to the IMDB page:

TV Program of the Week:

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride

Our year’s Sherlock fix did not let us down. I won’t give away any spoilers, not matter how hard it is to expel every little detail and analyse each second to come up with an adequate conclusion about future episodes or to find those hidden secrets and Easter eggs relating to Steven Moffat’s other popular show, Doctor Who, it’ll be just a review expression how awesome it was from beginning to end, full of twists and turns that will leave your mouth aghast.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman’s acting is superb. They drew me into the world of Sherlock and didn’t let me leave until they made me want to come back for more. Every other main and supporting character is brilliantly written – not over or underused in the slightest.

And then we come to the mystery itself. I’ll stay true to my word by not giving away any spoilers, but the mystery is so carefully built that any theory that you have is the write one, and then isn’t. I genuinely believed that I had figured it out, but Moffat’s unparalleled writing turned that theory on its head. The way this episode was directed allowed us never to miss a beat. It is safe the say that the director most defiantly utilised every single second within that hour and a half.

Now we just have to wait until next year before we get another fix. But you know what they say… An episode of Sherlock a year keeps our beloved Doctor Who on TV.

Below is the link to episode on BBC iPlayer and its IMDB page:

BBC iPlayer:


Game of the Week:

Viscera Cleanup Detail

So the hero has defeated the enemy and saved the day and is now riding off into the sunset after a job well done. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know how much mess he’s left behind. Somebody’s got to clean that up and I bet he’s not going to do it – he probably doesn’t get paid enough. But it’s him being a hero that keeps you in business.

This game is the aftermath of what happened. It is your job to clean the hallways, the walls, and the furniture of all the blood and gore, tidy up all the bits of robot and alien that are littered all over the place and make sure the wet floor signs are in place. For me, the game play is rhythmic and therefore relaxing, as well as satisfying. Seeing a big pile of mess and then seeing the floor squeaky clean and your reflection on the walls doesn’t get any more satisfying. It does come with its own soundtrack that suits the gameplay well, but to help you break away from reality that much more after a hard day’s work, you can listen to your own music and clean to the beat.

Below are two links to the steam page and the official website:


Official website:

Video of the Week:

RWBY: Volume 3 – Chapter 7: Beginning of the End

RWBY is quickly becoming my number one web series on the Internet. From the studio that brought you Red Vs Blue, and created by the incredibly talented Monty Oum, who suddenly and tragically passed away last year, I’m pleased to say that Rooster Teeth have done nothing less than make his visions come true. Each episode delivers nothing less than great writing and a very well-directed fight scene that will leave you stunned and wanting more.

This episode is the first after a mid-season break and focuses on the backstory that it set up in the previous episode and is a brilliant way of bringing the main storyline to the entire series to the forefront.

This entire season has been great. Finally showing us the tournament to see which school is best, it has been a funny and action packed throughout without a doubt, and the natural development of the characters and the series as a whole isn’t rushed, but allowed to take its time, and that kind of writing and directing rightly deserves my and many more people’s praises. He’s to the rest of the season, and the many more to come. I can already see it becoming something that is on par with Red Vs Blue.

Below is the link to episode on Rooster Teeth's website:

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay and the SkyCat Publications website:



SkyCat Publications:

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