Tuesday 12 January 2016

The Watch – Part 40:

I was standing in front of a large skyscraper, reaching up into the sky as far as I could see before I would begin to lose my balance. The sun was behind the building as I was standing in its huge shadow, which greatly decreased the temperature to a more relaxing degree. The building itself was entirely made of black tinted glass to hide the contents from the outside world, even though there aren’t any buildings in the vicinity, to keep whatever is going on inside as private as can be.

My instincts are tingling once more, telling me that this place must be heavily fortified. However, it doesn’t matter how much protection this place has, I will fight my way inside, winning this battle once and for all by taking Sebastian straight to the nearest Police station, wherever that is, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I walked forwards, toward the front door. I knocked on the door four times and waited for a response. Immediately, something inside the building activated, but then there was nothing by silence. That wasn’t a good sign. Silence can mean that it is ready to attack me. Should I wait some more or should I just make my way inside now? I decided to wait some more, but I wasn’t sure how long I should wait before I start using force. I knocked another four times. If nothing happens now, then I’m charging in.

‘So, you found a way through my unbreakable code. How you did that, I do not care, what I do care is that you are here. I thought you had given up,’ Sebastian’s disembodied voice boomed from the skyscraper. I tried looking for them, but I couldn’t find any speakers.

‘Surely you would have worked out that I wouldn’t give up that easily,’ I said.

‘You are going to regret making that decision and coming here.’

‘How do you know that I won’t make you regret your decision to make me regret mine?’ I asked.

‘I like to see you try,’ he said chuckling. His tone of voice switched to sound as if he was concentrating on something. ‘I have ordered back all my jets and have readied my army of robots to fight. And when I say my army of robots, I mean my entire army, and you do not want to go up against its full wrath because I can guarantee that you will not come out of this alive.’

That may be a problem. Just how many robots has he got in his army? I would imagine quite a lot. That’s going to be a challenge considering that a single robot on its own was able to knock me about a lot. How would many robots attacking me all at once hold up? I need to increase the strength of my powers.

‘We’ll just see about that,’ I said not wanting to sound as if I was actually a little nervous about what’s to come. Even if I force my way into the skyscraper, by the time I’ve found and figured out how to switch everything off, they would be here. I don’t think I have any other choice by to fight the robots. ‘I’ll fight everything and anything I have to if that means I will arrest you at the end of it.’

‘You sure you don’t want TO change your mind and give up and go home?’ he asked tauntingly.

‘You’re going down.’ I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

‘I’ll be waiting for that moment,’ he said laughing once more. He was beginning to annoy me with his sudden and unnecessary laughing.

Then the thoughts started to rush in. The only experience that I have when it comes to fighting is when I fought those two robots from before. An entire army means I have to be an expert in some kind of martial arts or something. I’ve noticed that I have become a lot more confident, which is a good thing, but I think I’m getting a little too confident, borderline cocky. That might be damaging to my performance. I need to calm down and think clearly if I want to stand a chance with an entire army of robots.

No. I shouldn’t be thinking negative thoughts. I have the watch for crying out loud. Interface explained that I can do absolutely everything and anything with it, if I want, and I want to defeat the army that is heading straight for me.

I reached for my watch once more, selected the necessary options and increased my powers by double once more. Now, my powers are four times stronger than what they were back in the arena. The energy that the watch released into my system buzzed through my every vain, bone and muscle, increasing them beyond that of an average superhuman, whatever that means; it sounded right in my head. I breathed in deeply as the power spread out evenly throughout my body and breathed out again when it had settled down. I also gave myself some skills in a couple of martial arts as well, just so that I can stay on my feet. If those skills aren’t helpful, at least I can just smash my way through. That’s what the Hulk does, right?

‘Now that’s better than a cup of coffee in the morning,’ I said. If Sebastian saw how I obtain my powers, he didn’t say or do anything, but I didn’t care anyway. I guess he is just sitting back with his legs up, waiting for his army to deploy and destroy me, break me into tiny pieces as if I were a Popsicle stick.

I heard the sound of many jets coming over the hill behind me and I turned around to see the pop into existence. A hundred jets were staring me down, heading straight for me. Then, the sound of many robots came from the building itself and the ground all around me. Hundreds of robots flew upwards and outwards. Each jet and robot came to a hover all around me, surrounding me, making it impossible for me to escape. But that’s what they think. I scrunched up my fists, and readied to jump as I high as I could.

I waited until they made the first move, but they appeared to be waiting for me to do the same. It was a stalemate until one of us makes the slightest of movements.

‘I warned you,’ Sebastian said.

‘And I warned you,’ I countered.

I must have broken the last straw across Sebastian’s back because he growled before a single robot made the advance, quickly followed by every other. The jets remained stationary, obviously waiting for me to get to the outer edges before attacking to keep me within the circle so that I can continue to be pummelled.

This was going to be the fight of the millennium…


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' Website:



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