Saturday 30 January 2016

The Watch – Part 45:

The fire died out, the smoke cleared and the air thinned. All that was left was mangled metal and a huge scorch mark inside a crater which surrounded it. It was a sight for sore eyes. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before in my life. There wasn’t a single scratch on me. I was breathing heavily as the adrenaline flowed faster than ever through my body.

The rumbling in the air as the echoes bounced back slowly and eventually faded away, leaving me in silence, but was quickly cut short by a low thumping sound as if a pair of mechanical rotors were making their way towards me.

I looked straight ahead and saw a helicopter was flying near where I hovered, with none other than Sebastian sitting in the driver’s seat. The helicopter itself was just an ordinary civilian one with no attachments on the wings such as missiles or a machine gun on the front. Sebastian must have climbed into that helicopter whilst I was unconscious, there was no way that he would have snuck past me afterwards.

I am asking the question why is he now in a helicopter? Is he trying to run away? Well, if that was the case, he wouldn’t have turned back to talk to me. As much as I want to disbelieve it, but I think that Sebastian has yet another plan hidden up his sleeve. What more can he do? I’ve beaten everything that he has thrown at me. Surely he must be running out of resources by now. Dare I say that I am actually quite amazed at how he is able to keep going even after so many defeats. Amazed for all the wrong reasons, of course.

He came to stop and hovered. I saw him push a button and he began talking over the microphone, his voice was amplified, just like it was back at his base, but the rotors made his voice have a bit of disturbance in between each syllable.

‘You continue to surprise me,’ he said with clear hatred in his voice. He has lost all motivation to smile and laugh. He was now running on pure hate. ‘I thought I had finally defeated you, and yet here you are, hovering over the corpse of my dead robot.’

‘If you didn’t get the message before, this should defiantly spell it out to you now,’ I shouted as loud as I could over the noise of the helicopter’s rotors.

‘This does leave me in a sticky situation, yes,’ Sebastian said thoughtfully, ‘but not to worry,’ I knew it. ‘Just because you’ve proven yourself worthy of defeating my most powerful robot, doesn’t mean you are strong or fast enough to take out every single one of them. They are in many different places right now, ready to take out all the stadiums at once.’ I couldn’t help but ask myself why he didn’t just start with those robots before instead of using his small robots, but I guessed he never actually wanted to use his big robots for that specific job, only as a way of ferrying the much smaller robots from one place to another rather quickly.

This is something incredible indeed. How am I going to get from one place to another in such a short period of time? I will have to increase my speed to an unfathomable level if I even want to get a couple, but to stop and destroy each one in turn, that’s practically impossible. In fact, there’s nothing practical about it, it is actually impossible. The only way I am going to destroy all those robots is to do so all at once, and this watch is powerful, but I don’t think I will be able to be in many different places at once and destroy all those robots at once within the time.

Then I was hit by a massive brainwave. A plan formulated in my head, and I smiled that smile that told Sebastian that I was about to do the impossible. I didn’t let him react in time. I reached for my watch and punched in the necessary coordinates and the time that I will be travelling back to. I figured about fifteen minutes would suffice. I hit the button and I was taken from one place to another, via the Space-Time continuum. It was a short trip and didn’t affect me in the slightest.

It was a case of waiting fifteen minutes before making my move. I wasn’t worried about all the stadiums being destroyed because my plan was going to work. There was no reason for it not to. My plan to be in many different places at once is to travel back in time to fifteen minutes before each robot turned up to each stadium and then destroy it. The way this was going to work focused on solely on time travel. I am going to destroy this robot, but at the same time, all the other robots are going to destroy all the other stadiums as well, but once I’ve defeated this one, I can then travel once more into the past by fifteen minutes as well as travel to the other stadium and take out that robot as well. Then repeat the plan over and over until each robot had been defeated. That way, I would have successfully destroyed all the robots at once by being in many different places at the same time. Which means, going by that logic, the moment I thought of that plan, I had already successfully completed it because it all took place in the past. So, after the final robot has been defeated, I can then return to Sebastian, who shall then proceed to surrender. Although I have a feeling that’s not going to happen so easily.

I heard loud footsteps coming from over afar and saw the robot’s head peek above the horizon. It came closer and closer rather fast because of its very long strides. When I was satisfied that it was far enough away from any civilisation and from the stadium itself, I made my move.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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