Wednesday 3 February 2016

… Of the Week: 3rd – 10th February 2016

Film of the Week:

RoosterTeeth’s Lazer Team

Since 2003 when the first episode of Red Vs Blue hit the internet, which is now the longest running web series in the world, soon to begin its 14th series, founded by Burnie Burns, Geoff Ramsey, Gus Sorola, Matt Hullum and Joel Heyman, RoosterTeeth has grown from being a bunch of people in a flat to a fully established company. As well as Red Vs Blue, they have their hugely popular Rwby, which is an animation series now currently, in its 3rd season, among many life action series as well, including but not limited to: RoosterTeeth Shorts, Immersion, and Ten Little Roosters.

After having their company grow from strength to strength with the support of their community across Youtube and their website, they felt it was the right time to produce a film. They launched an Indigogo campaign where people of the community could donate a certain amount for a tiered reward system, for example: If you donate over a certain amount, you are eligible for your name to appear in the film’s end credits. The campaign broke all kinds of records by becoming the fastest campaign to reach its goal and beyond, and exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Lazer Team is about when a group of scientists received the WOW signal, which to this day, no one knows where it came from or who or what sent it… at least that is what we were told. Four losers, Hagan (Burnie Burns), Woody (Gavin Free), Herman (Colton Dunn), and Zach (Michael Jones), find themselves saving the world after inadvertently knocking a UFO out of the sky and becoming genetically equipped to the battle suit that was meant for someone else. This film was a collaboration of Hollywood actors, RoosterTeeth employees and the community themselves, which resulted in an original, humble and above all, funny film, that had you laughing from the start.

Below are two links for the film's IMDB page:

TV Program of the Week

Due South – Series 2 – Episode 14: All the Queen’s Horses

Due South is an American crime drama when a Canadian Mounty, Benton Fraser (played by Paul Gross) moves down south to Chicago to try and find his father’s killer. There, he meets and teams up with Detective Raymond Vecchio (played by David Marciano) and together they solve various crimes. The show focuses on the stereotypical nature of both American and Canadian cultures: Benton is compulsively polite, whereas Raymond is lacking in some manners. The shows comedy comes from the two bouncing between each other in each episode.

One particular episode that I would like to talk about, All the Queen’s Horses, breaks away from downtown city of Chicago and focuses on the R.C.M.P.’s Musical Ride as they bored a train heading towards its North American Tour. After the train has set off, it is hijacked by a group of terrorists who disguised themselves as the film crew. Benton must somehow stop a runaway train before it reaches the centre of Chicago and cause massive damage. The reason why this episode stands out is not only because it’s a nice change of pace, but because whilst this show is light-hearted and has a strong comedic elements throughout, those tones are brought to the centre of attention via joyful singing which leads to some of the funniest scenes in the episodes. However, even though Benton is the main character, the legendary Leslie Neilson who gusts stars as Sgt. Buck Frobisher steals the show when he brings along his unique talent and charm that never fails to make you laugh.

And it wouldn’t be a light-hearted story without a bit of romance in the air. Benton and his Superior Officer, Inspector Meg Thatcher’s (played by Camilla Scott) relationship develops further than just rank.

I see this episode as a nice introductory episode, as it details everything that the show is about.

Here is the link the episode’s IMDB page:

Game of the Week

American Truck Simulator

You could class this as a spin-off to the Euro Truck Simulator series. The team at SCS has knocked it out of the park once again with their new trucking simulator, American Truck Simulator, which was released yesterday on the 02/02/2016.

They decided to release the game early instead of a lot later, which I feel was a good decision. Fans of their simulator franchise were eagerly waiting for the game from the moment it was announced, and when it was released on Steam, it was snapped up like hot cakes. The game includes 2 states: Nevada and California with the third, Arizona coming soon as it is still in development, but when it is ready to be shipped out, those that have already downloaded the game will get the new state for free.

Usually, when a game is released early, you can easily see all the evidence pointing towards it being unfinished and full of glitches that can sometimes make the game unplayable to a certain extent, but American Truck Simulator is a prime example of being the complete opposite of that. it’s a solid game, the physics, sounds, and (more importantly) the driving itself are realistic, making you feel as if you are actually driving a truck, which is what a good simulator is supposed to make you feel: As if you are actually doing the thing it is supposed to be simulating. Why keep their fans waiting any longer when they have a finished product? And releasing the Arizona state for free because it was meant to be in the game in the first place certainly earns bonus points from me. They could have taken this opportunity to charge for the new state, but there really is no need to, so they didn’t.

Now that they have branched out to the states, they do have a lot of opportunities to explore with any DLC they wish to release in the future. I wouldn’t mind driving through Washington DC or New York. They have a chance to make this game massive, full to the brim with content that would keep anyone who is even mildly interested in this game happy for hours.

There is one thing that I can be sure of and that is they have once again proved that are number 1 when it comes to making simulators.

Below are two links for the Steam page and the game's official website:


Official Website:

Video of the Week

The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch)

If anybody who watched this also works in an office, they would know exactly how their meetings play out, and I can guarantee they would say that this video perfectly represents that. In fact, any experts out there would wonder when the punchline is coming.

The video is about a group of employees in a meeting, discussing what needs to be done in light of their newly started project, which requires the employee who is an expert in all matters of drawing lines. The task is simple: Draw seven red lines, all of them strictly perpendicular, some with green ink and some with transparent ink; he is an expert after all.

They then start a lengthy debate about how the task cannot be carried out in the way they want it to be, which all things considered, if he’s an expert, he should just ignore the rules of geometry and make sure the task has been carried out at the end of the day; he is an expert after all, and we all know that being an expert means we can do absolutely anything.

All in all, this video hits the nail on the head when it comes to describing every meeting ever.

You can watch the video here:

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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