Tuesday 16 February 2016

The Watch – Part 50:

They hurtled towards the Earth at many thousands of miles per hour. From my perspective, time had slowed down so that I was able to process things better, which was not what I wanted. I knew that I there was not a thing that I can do to stop this from happening, so why do I want to watch it slower.

Any second now, one or more are going to hit the Earth, causing an apocalyptic nightmare for the entire population of every country in the entire world, many of which will perish from the strike itself, or from the thick ash cloud that will rise in the air, and many will suffer for a period of time from the lack of sunlight from said ash cloud and from the lack of food, water, suitable living conditions. The temperature will drop drastically due to the sun’s rays unable to penetrate that thick ash cloud. And that’s just from one scenario.

My head is racing with far too many thoughts for me to concentrate on anything. I closed my eyes so that I didn’t have to see any of it. Being in space prevented me from hearing anything. All I can do is wait for this to be all over. I could leave this universe and go home, but that doesn’t sound right. Instead, I will accept my defeat. I did my best and I failed this world. I will not act like a coward now.

I won so many battles, and that led me to think that I was going to win the war. I was so confident, so happy with myself that I was able to save the world, and did. But that was short lived. I got too confident. With every new challenge that Sebastian threw at me, I was acting too cocky. And it finally backfired.

As I had my eyes shut, waiting for the world to end, my thoughts died down a little due to the fact that my brain didn’t have to process any incredible images, and I slowly regained the ability to think clearly. There was still a small part of my brain that is holding out hope, but any sort of plan now would be worthless when all that it is going to lead to is failure. I just have to start accepting that I have lost this war. It’s over. And I have to accept that.

No one deserves what is about to happen. All those innocent people that wouldn’t live to see today’s sun set or tomorrow’s sun rise. All those people in the arena where I first showed the world what I was capable, the many people in all those other arenas across the country, that woman I saved in that carpark earlier today, all would succumb to that of the apocalypse.

A single, solitary tear rolled down my cheek. I refused to cry. I will not cry. I don’t know why I don’t want to cry, but something inside of me is preventing me from crying.

This was it. This was the end. I had failed.

‘You have unlimited power. Use it.’ The voice of hope inside my head said. ‘You may not know the reason behind receiving the watch, but there must be a reason why you were given this incredible power. You’ve proven to yourself that you are capable of extraordinary things, so use the watch and save the world.’


‘Do you believe that you were given this power to fail?’ the voice of hope asked.

I don’t know how to answer that.

‘Exactly. You don’t believe in anything…’

That’s only because I don’t have any answers to make a justified belief.

‘Then answer the questions yourself. Then, if and when you do come across the actual answers, you can then decide. Does that make sense?’


‘And that answers that question. You can’t give up if you don’t have a justified reason to do so. Neither do you have one to not give up, but I know you, you don’t want this to happen. So, what is your answer?’

Interface told me that I am capable of doing whatever I want, however I want to do it, and right now, I want to save the world from being completely and utterly destroyed. I want to be that person that saves the entire human race from extinction. There is always a way to get out of even the direst situation, and I have to believe that if I want to win. But can it really be that simple; just increase my powers more and more and save the day. I mean, it’s good that I am able to save the day with formidable powers, but it can’t be as simple as just doing that and deflecting a load of rockets with a single flick of my forefinger and thumb….

Maybe I could pull off that time travel trick I did back when I was fighting all those giant robots, which ended with me being in many places at once, destroying every single robot at once? Maybe I could go back further in time and prevent the rockets from taking off altogether. It worked once, I couldn’t see why it wouldn’t work again. I didn’t have to stop the rockets from taking off, I just had to stop them from hitting the Earth. Of course, I would increase my speed and strength just so that I would push the rocket into space that much easier and quicker.

‘Are you going to give up now?’ the voice of hope said.

Not yet.

‘Good. Now, go and save the day.’

I entered the necessary commands into my watch and pressed the activation button, resulting in me disappearing from the edge of space to reappearing underneath the rocket that was so close to the ground I had to use all my strength to stop it in a matter of seconds. The building suddenly came to a standstill, making the windows shake and the framework buckle. The flaming rockets pushed against my shoulders, attempting to push me downwards, taking me down with the ship, but my powers were so much more than ever it was hard to comprehend how strong I am now. It was an incredible sight to see: My arms, looking as if they wouldn’t be able to chuck a hammer at all far were now getting ready to push a skyscraper back into the sky. And pushed it up I did , back into space.

It was the most satisfying feeling in the history of satisfying feelings. It was physically and mentally impossible for me to feel any happier than I was now. The adrenaline that was pumping through my body couldn’t have been any more. Each rocket that I pushed back into space, each person that I saved from being obliterated, each animal that I saved, made me grin so much broader. I didn’t care for what Sebastian must have been thinking right about now, expecting a series of rockets to smash into the ground, tearing apart the world only to hear nothing. The sound of absolutely nothing must be deafening to hear.

I managed to catch one only moments away from the ground. I felt my back brush up against some of the larger stones that lay scattered about the ground, and the tip of the skyscraper taps ever so gently on the ground as it passed beneath the gap in between my chest and arm. I had to keep it upright long enough for me to push it upwards, but the lack of space made it awkward to manoeuvre properly, giving me the necessary leverage to push upwards.

Accompanied with my flying ability, I was able to push upwards, where the tip left a rather neat and triangular shaped hole in the ground that would remain there for many years to come, since we’re in the middle of nowhere. I continued pushing upwards, accelerating gradually until I was high enough that I could put the full force of my powers into getting it into space where it would float off to wherever.

One after the other, until only one remained. This was, rather conveniently heading straight for my house. I got in between the rocket and the ground the same before, except this time the ground was replaced with my house’s roof. This time, instead of only lightly brushing the ground like before, I slammed rather hard against the tiles of the roof due to it being that close. The tiles broke beneath me, the roof caved in and the windows smashed from the shock of the entire building shuddering uncontrollably. I grunted as I disappeared through the roof, along with the tip of the skyscraper’s roof. I didn’t wait for a gradual stop like all those times before it, instead I decided to put my all my strength into stopping this thing before I was involuntarily placed within the epicentre of the explosion that would easily wipe out this entire town and the surrounding suburbs.

I was now in my house, on my back, with a skyscraper in my hands. Yep.

‘Hello, Sebastian,’ B.O.B says. I don’t think he fully understands the gravity of the situation I am currently in right now. ‘I have your apple juice ready. I have kept it in the fridge to keep it cold.’

‘I’m in a little bit of a sticky situation here,’ I said rigid in mid-air, trying not to lose grip and allow the skyscraper to fall over and crush this and many other houses.

‘Shall I save it for a later time?’ he asked me.

‘If you wouldn’t mind,’ I said as I concentrated hard, slowly pushing upwards, making sure that I didn’t damage any more of the house. Somehow, I successfully flew out of the same sized hole that I flew into. Now that I was free, I could begin the final ascent into space one final time, where I could send this on its way with all the others. Where it ends up, I really don’t care just as long as it isn’t back here.

It was an emotional event, seeing the skyscraper-cum-rocket float off with all the others, silently, not knowing that it was just about to destroy the world.

The world was saved. It was finally over. Everyone can go and live their lives in peace. I spent a few minutes watching the world turn below me before returning to ground level.

I entered my house through the front door just for a bit of normality for once, except when I took hold of the door handle, I accidentally crushed it in my hands, resulting in me getting rid of my powers. My body returned to its normal-self, and I felt relieved. I didn’t care for the hole in the roof as I sat down on the sofa and waited for B.O.B to bring the fridge to me where I gratefully accepted the apple juice and took the world’s most refreshing sip. As the cold liquid passed through my body down to the stomach, I felt like I could take the world’s longest nap. The entire world was saved, because of me, because of this watch, and because of that small voice of hope inside my head. I owe myself some gratitude.

Now that the world has finally been saved, it was time to leave and go back home. I had to return to my home Universe. As much as I love it here, I wouldn’t mind seeing Tom and Amy again. I know that I can’t tell them about what happened here, but that didn’t matter as all I need now is their company. And my mum and dad don’t know where I am. They don’t even know I have the watch. Do I tell them what has been going on? I think I should leave that question for another day.

Once I finished my apple juice, I said my goodbyes to B.O.B. I slowly entered the necessary commands and pressed the button to activate the watch once more, sending me back through the void and into my living room. But this isn’t just my living room, this is my living room.

As soon as the realisation hit that I was back home, I felt weak with tiredness. I didn’t bother going up to bed, I laid down on the couch, which I didn’t realise was this comfortable up until now, and as soon as I closed my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep full of thoughts about what life would be like for those people who lives I saved.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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