Tuesday 2 February 2016

The Watch – Part 46:

One after the other, giant robots were dropping to the ground, defeated. Each fight ended with an epic explosion. I’ve never had this much power before, the adrenaline that was pumping through my body was nothing like I have ever experienced before.

I drew in a crowd during a couple of my fights. They either saw the robot walking towards the stadium that they were in or felt the ground shudder with each step it took. They, for some reason, decided to venture outside and see what was going on for themselves, which was an incredibly risky decision to make as they are practically putting themselves in danger. Anything could happen and I just wouldn’t be able to deal with someone getting injured or worse. I took it upon myself to protect these people and so I shall, but it does make it hard to do so when they are walking towards the battle area. However, as luck would have it, they were spared from any danger and walked away with stories that would stick with them for the rest of their lives. A couple of people took pictures and videos of the battle that would most likely end up on any social media website of some kind, and then some news network would catch wind of these videos and they would showcase that in their reports as the investigation into who I am continuing, but that’s all just a guess.

Some people were actual reporters and tried to call me down for an interview, but I flew away without comment before hopping back into the past to take on the next robot.

As another robot fell to its knees in defeat, it blew my mind that I was the one that caused that to happen, that I was gifted this watch that can grant me incredible powers that allow me to do anything I want and that I have just destroyed several, incredibly powerful robots that would easily be considered completely indestructible by the world’s armies alike. I was saving this world and that made me happier than I have ever been in my entire life. I have accomplished something that only fictional people in films, TV shows and comic books get to do. I am living a real life comic book story, and that felt awesome.

My body looked as if it was brand new. Nothing was able to penetrate its tough skin, and even if something actually managed to do so, its healing power kicked in and the cut would seal up in a matter of seconds, resulting in a fresh patch of skin with no scabs or scars.

I only had a couple of robots to go before I could return to Sebastian and see the look of horror on his face. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction to my having just destroyed every single one of his giant, virtually unbeatable robots all at the same time. If that doesn’t knock his confidence, then I don’t know what will.

I had two thoughts in my head, one stronger than the other. The first was that Sebastian would see just how powerful l really am and realise that he cannot beat me and so gives up, and the second is him trying to attack me with something else. If that something else is stronger, then I’ll just get stronger than it and defeat with ease just as I have done with everything else he has chucked at me, but the question is: What can he have that is stronger than these massive robots? I guess there is only one way to find out, if that particular thought is true, that is.

I arrived at the penultimate stadium. It had already arrived. I accelerated until I was hitting my 1,000MPH limit and took out the robot the same way as I have done with every other one that I’ve fought over the last fifteen minutes, straight through its chest before turning back and punching another one through its stomach, before taking it out completely.

A group of people was standing in the car park. They realised that they had better get going and so they ran towards their cars, climbed in and drove off as fast as they could. There was only one person left, a woman who, due to her hurried mannerisms, she was making mistake after mistake and as the robot fell to its knees, I knew it would land straight onto this her car, and subsequently that person as well. I flew towards her as fast as I could. The world around me came to a standstill as I neared the frightened woman. I managed to land on the ground, pick her up and fly away to safety all before the robot’s knee squashed the car into a pancake.

I came to a gentle stop before settling her back down onto the ground. Behind me, the robot was engulfed in a fire ball that rivalled that of its predecessors. My back was turned towards it in order to protect this woman from any bits of stray metal that managed to break free and also the heat. She hugged me for safety and after it had all died down and I was satisfied that she wouldn’t be in any more danger, I let go of her. We looked at each other in the eyes. She had seen my identity. I knew I should have covered my face somehow, but I didn’t think it was necessary considering that I was high up in the air and moving at speeds no camera would be able to pick up any facial features. The woman I had saved had brunette hair and blue eyes, a round face and red cheeks. She was out of breath and as she calmed down, her terrified look slowly morphed into a grateful one and she smiled her thanks, for she couldn’t form the necessary words to say it properly.

‘Do me a favour,’ I said calmly. She just nodded for she was still recovering.

‘Don’t tell them who I am,’ I said. She nodded again. The look in her eyes proved that she meant it and I believed her. I backed away from her and smiled before flying into the air, turning my back and zooming away before moving on to the final fight.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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