Thursday 30 March 2017

1,000 Words: 3 Lego Mini-Figures

During my trip up London, I ventured into the Lego Store, and inside there were many activities, including a place where you can build your own mini-figures. 3 for £4.99. Here are those three that I built.

Those who know me, before I even saw you could build your own mini-figure knew that I would want one wearing a suit. I got quite lucky with this one, actually, because not only did I find the suit body, but it was also the only one there. The top hat was lying beside, so I swiped that before anybody else could. I couldn't find any black legs though, but a member of staff helped me out massively by diving into the back of the store and grabbing just one pair of legs. Also, the beard completes the look, I feel, as well. Also, if I were to say, he does show a likeness towards Alderidge Blackburn from Sector 22... yeah, I know; sad aren't I?

All I knew I wanted was the suit, so the other two designs I had not a clue what I wanted. Searching through the hundreds of chests, legs, heads, I came across a Police Officer. Now, I know the biker's helmet may not necessarily suit the Officer's uniform, but there weren't anything that suited it, and it did look odd not having anything on his head. He doesn't actually look like a character from my books, I genuinely liked the design so went with it.

The hair is held on by a very small piece of blu-tack because it kept falling off. I had two designs ready to be purchased, and I was stuck with the third. Nothing popped out at me and any combination I tried just didn't work properly, so I decided on a lucky dip, and what I pulled out was the hair. It was different, so I decided to try and find something that went with it, and I was happy to find the right combination in a matter of seconds. A business woman, with a bit of casualness; she would be my final mini-figure.

I boxed all three up, took them to the counter, brought them, and now I'm the happy owner of three personalised mini-figures.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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