Friday 31 March 2017

Video of the Week: Sony PULLING Spider-Man from Marvel ALREADY? – The Know Entertainment News (by The Know)

I would like to point out that these are just unconfirmed rumours, but given Sony’s track record with stuff over the last couple of years, it’s hard not to say this won’t happen. The future is a little uncertain, and that’s unfortunate, to be honest.

You could say the reason how Spider-Man came to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was the result of the huge controversy involving the film the Interview, where a bunch of secrets were leaked on the internet for everyone to read, and when they saw that there were talks between Marvel and Sony for Spider-Man it was an immediate effect. Fans practically demanded that Spider-Man be included within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whether you believe Sony agreed upon a deal because they were having a difficult time with maintaining their reputation for this among other questionable decisions – it’s hard to say definitively, but it does get you thinking.

Sony did agree on a deal and Spider-Man was included in Captain America: Civil War, which was met with universal acclaim. During production, Marvel rearranged their schedule slightly to include a new standalone Spider-Man film within their line-up. Marvel made a good decision by not having the film to be just another origin story. There was a collective sigh when they announced that we were to be gifted with Peter Parker already having his powers, and that relieve quickly turned into strong hype when they then announced Iron Man was going to make an appearance.

Sony did a decent enough job with their Spider-Man movies. There will always be a strong debate on whether Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield is the best Spider-Man. Tom Holland’s performance was met with critical acclaim. The deal Sony and Marvel made together allowed Sony to have final creative control over any film they make that features Spider-Man as the main protagonist. Sounds reasonable, especially when the profits are split decently so everyone can remain happy.

What could possibly go wrong?

Why on Earth would Sony even want to pull Spider-Man from the Cinematic Universe? Do they realise the damage they can do to their reputation if they do, and their popularity isn’t exactly the best at the moment, is it? If Sony does make yet another movie, then of course it will be watched, but there will be an incredible amount of people boycotting it on the grounds that they’ve made a terrible decision.

What are they going to do next, make yet another failed attempt at Fantastic Four? Probably, actually. Marvel’s a gigantic studio now with buckets of money, and Disney can help with finances so together, surely they can just by the rights back for the two properties. Everyone would be much happy, except Sony because they won’t be making as much money as they were before, but it’s not as if they are making as much money as they were a couple of years ago, or a couple of years before that, and so on…. Spotting the pattern yet?

I do apologise if this article has unintentionally turned into a rant and a roast of Sony, but if they do genuinely believe that taking Spider-Man back for themselves is good for business then they will discover very quickly how bad a decision that would be.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


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