Friday 3 March 2017

Fifteen Years on the Force (A Short Story)

I was planning for the fourth instalment in my VRSS series when this idea popped into my head. I couldn’t shake it, and the more I tried, the bigger and stronger it grew.

Fifteen Years on the Force follows the life of Frank, who works for the Police as a detective. He’s good at his job, and he dedicated to doing the best he can. His understanding of the world changes slightly when his Captain comes across an extremely intelligent person, and it wasn’t long before he’s hired as a consultant for the force. Frank’s a little taken aback by how sudden his inclusion was, and how much the Captain trusts him already. It took fifteen years for Frank to be where he is, yet this new consultant seemed to have started climbing the ladder from the top.

This throws Frank off, and wants to know more. He can’t quite understand how this person works, and so decides to book himself an appointment with a therapist in the hopes that she will give him some insight into this person’s mind.

I am working on VRSS 3.2, but this got in the way, and instead of pushing it to one side, I thought I would get it written down and therefore out of my head so I can focus on my other projects without any disturbances.

Hope you enjoy.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


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