Saturday 28 January 2017

The Watch – Part 147:

Is it really over? Yes. I can go back home. I can spend time with Amy. My body is buzzing with adrenaline, my mind racing all around, exploring as much as it possibly can as fast as it possibly can before it becomes one huge blur, and I don’t take anything in at all. I saved the world. I did that once before, though with the rockets, but this is different. I fought and defeated a powerful adversary. I was knocked down further than I’ve ever been before, and I rose back up again, and explored new powers. Interface once told me that I am capable of doing anything I shall wish, and all I could do was just accept what he said and move on because the full in depth meaning to his statement was hard to fully digest and it still is, but I now understand it a lot better than I did before. I have just saved the world, but I changed time, closed a portal that leads to another dimension, defeated a powerful person with extraordinary magical potential.

I’ve never felt anything like this before.

I’m walking down the street, watching life fly by me. I can’t help but study it. See it in all its glory. There’s so much to see it’s hard to fully digest everything. Let’s just say that it’s a busy street, full of busy people going about their lives. As they should be. Birds are flying high above me, searching for food, shelter. Some are flying because of the sake of it, because they can.

I wonder what life is like in the deepest part of the ocean. How many species have we yet to discover? There are so many possibilities that it’s hard to find what I want to do the most since I want to do them all at once. And, as it so happens, I can even do that as well. I can be in multiple places at once. I can be anywhere on this planet as well as sitting in college listening to a lecture. When my teacher is talking about ancient Egypt, I can actually go and explore it. How awesome would it be if I knew more than the teacher did, trumping her with accurate information instead of pieced together facts from an old textbook? I can go and watch the pyramids being built. Finally, after all this time, someone from modern day will be able to discover an answer to that age old question. As well as that question, I can answer anything the teacher can throw at me. I can answer anything my mind can conjure up. I can answer anything anyone asks me. No matter what.

I want to do that now. I want to answer so many questions. I want to gather up as much information as I can, store in my head for a later date when I will be able to show it off to whoever so asks me. It’s so tempting to nip back in time before tea, because, of course I can arrive back here merely a second later, as if I never left at all, except now I would be so much wiser.

But I won’t. Once I’ve started, I’ll never stop. I need a rest before doing anything as my brain is still so active, excited and packed full of adrenaline that I would easily burn myself out before I even begin, and I may reach my limit and crash down hard and fast, leaving me in a heap on the floor, struggling to get up.

But I can prevent that from happening… Can’t I? When Interface said I can do anything, that means I can also…

No, I must remain grounded. I must rest. I must… I don’t have to do anything. I’ve all the time in the world, and more. I have all the time in all the worlds, across infinite parallel universes. I can manipulate time any way I want: Stop it, reverse it, fast-forward it…

My head is starting to ache with the so many ideas flying around, trying to get themselves noticed. I have to try and push them to the back of my mind, otherwise I’m never going to get some sleep. I will always want to keep moving.

Maybe just going home will help me relax. Teleporting back home will be the last time I use the watch for a while.

But before, I need to relinquish my body from all of the powers that are running through it. I’m standing in the open, but I’m not worried. No one notices me as I navigate through the watch’s menus, shutting down every one of my powers, reverting my body back to its normal-self. That has helped a lot. I’ve only just noticed how tense my shoulders were now that they are gone. I then insert the necessary coordinates into the watch. My finger was hovering over the button. Why was I hesitating? I can’t figure out the reason. Maybe I shouldn’t return home yet? Why can’t I? I want to go home. I press my finger against the button.

I arrive in front of my house an instant later. I see Amy through the window sitting on the couch watching TV. She looks so peaceful. I couldn’t wait to see her smile bright up the room once more. I actually felt nervous as I walked up to the front door. I opened it and stepped through. Everything was just how I remembered it. Why would it be different? To be honest, I didn’t check. I could have gone literally seconds. I stepped through the hallway. Amy was standing in the living room.

Wide eyed?

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, stopping in my tracks.

‘Who the hell are you, coming in here like you own the place?’


‘Get out of my house.’


‘Get out now or I’ll call the Police?’

I don’t understand.

She picked up the phone and started to dial 999. ‘I’m warning you,’ she said. ‘Get out now.’


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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